Page 216 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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from Sudan in July 2011 after two peace treaties. To assist the reconstruction of the newly

           independent nation, the UN installed the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South
           Sudan (UNMISS) and requested its member states to deploy troops.
             After receiving the consent of the National Assembly in September 2012, the ROK government

           organized the Horizontal Military Engineering Company or the Hanbit Unit (engineering unit
           supporting reconstruction in South Sudan)and deployed the unit to South Sudan on March 31,
           2013. 56)

             In the Bor region that had been devastated
           by civil war, the Hanbit Unit has successfully
           conducted reconstruction support activities

           including embankment construction along the
           Nile as well as the construction and repairs of
           airport, roads, and bridges. The unit has also
           assumed humanitarian assistance missions such
                                                        Bor–Pibor road rehabilitation works (June 2018)
           as refugee protection, drinking water supply,
           and medical support. The major activities of

           Hanbit Unit are listed in [Chart 5-8].
             In addition, the unit operates seven courses in Hanbit Vocational School, including the
           farming and woodwork courses of Hanbit Agricultural Technology Research Center (HATRC),
           to help form the base for the livelihood of the local residents of South Sudan.

           56)  The deployment to South Sudan is the ROK’s 7  UN peacekeeping forces deployment following deployments
               to Somalia (1993 –1994, reconstruction support), Western Sahara (1994 – 2006, medical support), Angola
               (1995 –1996, reconstruction support), East Timor (1999 – 2003, security and border control), Lebanon (2007–
               present, armistice supervision), and Haiti (2010 – 2012, reconstruction support).

           214    Chapter 5  Development of the ROK–U.S. Alliance, and Expansion of Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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