Page 215 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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Hezbollah intensif ied, the UN increased the number of peacekeepers from 2,000 to 15,000 and

               requested member states to participate .
                 In July 2007, with the National Assembly’s approval, the ROK government deployed
               Dongmyeong Unit, a peacekeeping unit of 350 personnel for Lebanon, to Tyre in southern

               Lebanon. Dongmyeong Unit conducts reconnaissance and surveillance activities to block
               the smuggling of illegal weapons and entry of militants into its area of operation in southern
               Lebanon. In addition to armistice monitoring, the unit has carried out multifunctional civil–

               military operations called Peace Wave and humanitarian assistance activities.
                 The unit has helped improve the living conditions of local residents through various
               humanitarian assistance activities such as treating more than 100,000 patients to date, renovating

               the sewerage system and school facilities, and constructing libraries. The unit’s successful
               civil–military operations have been well received in Lebanon and significantly contributed to
               stabilizing the situation in southern Lebanon. The major activities of Dongmyeong Unit are
               listed in [Chart 5-7].

               [ Chart 5-7 ]  Dongmyeong Unit’s Major Activities
                                                                                     As of November 2018
                                     Surveillance and reconnaissance in the operation area: 36,474 times
                  Operational        Independent on-foot and vehicular reconnaissance, and explosive ordinance disposal   Chapter 5
                   Activities    (EOD) reconnaissance: 47,456 times
                                     Combined reconnaissance with Lebanese forces: 8,714 times

                                     Medical support for local residents: 108,386 times
                  Civil–Military       Treatment of livestock: 33,963 heads
                 Operations and       Computer, Korean, Taekwondo, and sewing classes: 5 towns
                  Humanitarian        Projects for local residents: 390 projects (Public facilities, school facilities, sewage
                  Assistance     facilities, etc.)
                                     Support for Lebanese forces: 92 cases

               |  Hanbit 55)  Unit in South Sudan  |    After Sudan gained independence from the joint colonial

               rule of the United Kingdom and Egypt, a civil war broke out between South Sudan and
               North Sudan in 1955 due to political and religious causes. South Sudan became independent

               55)  The name “Hanbit” stems out of the desire to become “one bright light that leads the world” through support for
                   the reconstruction of South Sudan and humanitarian activities.

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