Page 211 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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As a country that has joined all four major international export control regimes, 45)  the ROK

               designates and controls goods and technologies that require trade restrictions, such as export
               permission requirement, as strategic items, 46)  in accordance with international export control
               principles. In the process of approving exports, the MND closely consults relevant government

               agencies on export-related military matters and determining whether the importing country
               complies with export control regulations. 47)
                 The ROK will actively participate in the international community’s non-proliferation efforts to

               contribute to regional stability and global peace while bolstering the foundation for international
               cooperation for the security of the Korean Peninsula.

               |  International Counter-Proliferation Activities 48)   |    The emergence of WMD and terrorism-
               related threats in the wake of the September 11 attacks in 2001 raised concerns that traditional
               methods, such as export controls, may have limited effect in preventing the proliferation of
               WMD. As a result, proactive counter-proliferation policies have emerged. 49)  The Proliferation

               Security Initiative (PSI) 50)  led by the U.S. is one of the major counter-proliferation measures.
               The MND has continuously cooperated with the international community to prevent the spread

               of WMD and counter related threats.
                 The ROK government of f  icially became a member of the PSI in 2009 to actively participate   Chapter 5
               in the international endeavor to prevent the proliferation of WMDs. In 2010, it joined the

               45)  The four major international export control regimes are the NSG, AG, MTCR, and WA. There are currently 30
                   “clean countries” that have joined all four regimes. In Asia, the ROK and Japan have.
               46)  These are items that international export control regimes have designated as subject to export controls. They
                   may include conventional arms, WMC, and missiles, as well as materials, software, and technology that can be
                   used to develop and produce them.
               47)  The DAPA makes final approvals for military-use strategic items because the duty has been delegated by the
               48)  All kinds of efforts to protect their territories and people by reducing or eliminating the actual threats posed by
                   WMD or by deterring enemies’ desire to use them (counter-proliferation)
               49)  Non-proliferation focuses on preventing transfers of strategic items, while counter-proliferation involves physical
                   interceptions of resources such as materials and funds already in the transferring process.
               50)  These are international cooperative activities launched in June 2003 under the leadership of the United States
                   to prevent the international proliferation of WMD. Activities include information-sharing among member states,
                   a ban on the trade of WMC as well as their delivery systems and illegal weapons, and joint operations. (PSI:
                   Proliferation Security Initiative)

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