Page 206 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 206

|  ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus)  |    Since 2010, the MND has been

           attending the ADMM-Plus every year. In the speech at the 5  ADMM-Plus held in Singapore
           in 2018, the ROK Minister of National Defense presented the ROK government’s position
           regarding the complete denuclearization and establishment of permanent peace on the Korean

           Peninsula. The Minister emphasized that the ROK government was faithfully implementing the
           Inter-Korean Agreement in the Military Domain, and called for the international community’s
           support and cooperation for the ROK’s position. The ROK Minister of National Defense also

           held separate bilateral and multilateral ministerial meetings with the counterparts from the U.S.,
           China, Japan, Russia, and ASEAN member countries on the occasion of the ADMM-Plus.
           The Minister of National Defense actively put efforts to engage in defense diplomacy with

           four neighboring countries and strengthen defense cooperation with ASEAN member states to
           implement the New Southern Policy on the defense front.
             Between 2014 and 2016, the ROK and Cambodia co-chaired the Experts’ Working Group
           (EWG) on peacekeeping operations, one of the six EWGs of the ADMM-Plus. Since 2017, the

           ROK and Singapore have co-chaired the Maritime Security EWG.

           The 5  ADMM-Plus (October 2018)

           |  ROK–ASEAN Vice Defense Ministerial Talks   |     The inaugural ROK–ASEAN Vice

           Defense Ministerial Talks took place during the SDD in Seoul in 2017. Delegates from ASEAN
           member countries agreed on the need for defense cooperation between the ROK and ASEAN,
           and expressed support for the proposal to continue holding the Vice Ministerial talks regularly.

           In the 2018 ROK–ASEAN Vice Defense Ministerial Talks, the representatives discussed ways to
           enhance defense industrial cooperation between the ROK and ASEAN, and concurred that the
           countries should strive to make defense industrial cooperation mutually benef  icial.

           204    Chapter 5  Development of the ROK–U.S. Alliance, and Expansion of Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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