Page 205 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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off  icials and civilian security experts from

               the ROK, the U.S., Japan, China, and Russia
               participated as panel. They discussed how
               the establishment of peace on the Korean

               Peninsula would affect global security
               as well as the international community’s
                                                        The 7  SDD (September 2018)
               cooperation for the implementation of the
               Panmunjom Declaration, and neighboring countries’ positions and roles in the establishment
               of a peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. The 7  SDD also involved sharing of and intense
               discussions on the security issues of global interest, including strategic balance in Northeast

               Asia, maritime security cooperation, and cybersecurity, as well as the issues of various security
               threats facing the international community such as energy security and peacekeeping operations.
               Furthermore, to implement the ROK government’s New Southern Policy and New Northern
               Policy, the MND hosted the 2018 ROK–ASEAN Vice Defense-Ministerial Talks following

               previous year’s meeting, while the inaugural ROK–Central Asia Plus Vice Defense-Ministerial
               Talks with f ive Central Asian nations and Mongolia took place. During the conference, the ROK

               held bilateral meetings with 31 participating nations, including the U.S., the United Kingdom,
               Russia, and Japan, and explored ways to increase mutual defense cooperation.              Chapter 5
                 The MND will continue to develop the SDD as a venue for multilateral security cooperation
               that contributes to the establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula, the stability of Northeast

               Asia, and world peace.

               |  Asia Security Summit (ASS)  |    The ROK Minister of National Defense has been attending

               the Asia Security Summit, the largest multilateral security meeting in the Asia-Pacif ic region,
               every year since 2004. In his speech at the 17  plenary session in 2018, the ROK Minister of
               National Defense explained the signif  icance and outcomes of the inter-Korean summit that

               took place as a result of the consistent pursuit of President Moon Jae-in’s Korean Peninsula
               policy, and called for the international community’s support for the complete denuclearization
               and establishment of permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. The Minister’s emphasis on

               cooperation between the ROK and North Korean defense authorities, which will be expanded
               to ease tension and build conf  idence on the Korean Peninsula, received positive responses from
               participating nations.

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