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           the 2  round of defense vice-ministerial talks between the ROK and the Visegrad Group. 24)  The
           Vice Minister and the representatives of the member states of the Visegrad Group exchanged
           views on regional security situations, and discussed ways to enhance defense cooperation and
           defense industrial cooperation. The Vice Minister also held bilateral talks with the counterpart

           of each member state, and explored ways of substantive defense cooperation and defense
           industrial cooperation between the ROK and Central European countries that are considered
           the new growth engine of Europe.

             In September 2017, the ROK Vice Minister of National Defense met with the delegation
           from the NATO Parliamentary Assembly during their visit to the ROK, and discussed ways to
           enhance defense cooperation between the ROK and NATO, mainly in their common areas of

           interest including cybersecurity cooperation. In the meeting, the ROK Vice Minister of National
           Defense called for NATO’s cooperation in establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula.
             To enhance cooperation between the ROK and the EU, the Cheonghae Unit has participated
           in the EU’s counter-piracy operations since 2017 in accordance with the ROK–EU basic

           agreement on crisis management that took ef fect in late 2016. Moreover, in November 2017, the
           2  ROK–EU Security Defense Dialogue was held. Substantive security cooperation between
           the ROK and the EU has been expanding, as seen in the ROK Defense Minister’s meeting with
           the European Parliament foreign af fairs commissioner during the visit to the ROK in April
             Meanwhile, in September 2017, the ROK Vice Minister of National Defense held talks with

           Canada’s National Defense Department Deputy Minister who visited the ROK to attend the 6 th
           SDD. The Vice Minister praised Canada’s hosting of the upcoming UN Peacekeeping Defense
           Ministerial Conference in November 2017 as well as broader efforts that contribute to world

           peace and security. In the meeting, the two sides agreed to expand and enhance the two countries’
           friendship, and to enhance the interoperability of the two countries through continuous mutual
           visits between their navies and combined maritime training.

             While continuously cooperating with the EU and NATO, the MND will enhance bilateral
           defense cooperation with the ROK’s long-standing partners, such as the United Kingdom

           24)  A regional partnership of Central Europe that consists of the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia.
               The name is derived from the Hungarian town of Visegrad, where their first meeting took place in 1991.

           198    Chapter 5  Development of the ROK–U.S. Alliance, and Expansion of Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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