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prevent transfers of nuclear materials and technologies that can be used for military purposes.

               The MND has been maintaining close cooperative relations with other relevant government
               agencies to support the ROK government’s nuclear non-proliferation policy.
                 In the domain of chemical and biological weapons non-proliferation, the ROK joined the

               Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) 33)  in 1987 and the Chemical Weapons Convention
               (CWC) 34)  in 1997, and established related laws 35)  for the domestic implementation of these
               conventions. The MND has been fulf  illing its defense-related obligations through measures,

               including regular inspection of military research institutes, maintenance of safety management
               systems, and dispatch of defense specialists to relevant international conferences to share
               information about states of proliferation concern, and acquire the latest information and

               technologies. Since joining in 1996 the Australia Group (AG) 36)  (export control regime for
               chemical and biolog ical weapons non-proliferation), the MND and DAPA have wor ked with the
               Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) to improve local laws for a more systematic

               implementation of export control measures. 37)
                 Missile proliferation control is also important because threats of WMD, including nuclear
               weapons and chemical and biological weapons, are directly linked to the missile capabilities
                                                                                                         Chapter 5
               that deliver them. The ROK has proactively participated in international ef forts to prevent the
               proliferation of missiles by voluntarily joining export control regimes including the Missile

               33)  The BWC bans the development, production, and stockpiling of biological weapons including biological agents
                   and toxins. (BWC: Biological Weapons Convention, established in 1975, 182 state parties)
               34)  The CWC is a treaty that prohibits the development, production, stockpiling, use, and transfer of chemical
                   weapons, and that requires state parties to destroy all their chemical weapons and related facilities within 10
                   years after the CWC enters into force. (CWC: Chemical Weapons Convention, established in 1997, 193 state
               35)  Include the “Act on the Control of the Manufacture, Export and Import, etc.,of Specific Chemicals and Chemical
                   Agents for the Prohibition of Chemical and Biological Weapons” (Chemical and Biological Weapons Prohibition
               36)  The Australia Group is an export control regime to prevent the spread of chemical and biological weapon–
                   related materials, dual-use items, and technologies to states that may use and produce chemical and biological
                   weapons. (AG: Australia Group, established in 1985, 43 countries)
               37)  Provisions related to chemical and biological agents as well as their production, equipment, and technologies
                   specified in the Foreign Trade Act implement the AG’s control requirements. The Public Notice on Trade of
                   Strategic Items designates all the items specified in the AG control lists into control lists. The revised Chemical
                   and Biological Weapons Prohibition Act implements the requirements of the CWC, the BWC, and UN Security
                   Council Resolution 1540.

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