Page 214 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 214

joined the UN in 1991, has deployed the ROK Armed Forces Medical Assistance Team to

           Western Sahara, an engineering unit to Angola, the Sangnoksu Unit to East Timor, and the
           Danbi Unit to Haiti, and continued to engage in peacekeeping operations in conf  lict areas
           across the world. As of November 2018, a total of 635 ROK personnel were carrying out their

           missions in six countries. They include 331 of the Dongmyeong Unit in Lebanon, 280 of the
           Hanbit Unit in South Sudan, and those individually deployed. An overview of the ROK’s
           participation in peacekeeping is shown in [Chart 5-6].

           [ Chart 5-6 ]  ROK Participation in UN Peacekeeping Operations
                                                                         As of November 2018 Unit: Persons

                                                           Dongmyeong Unit (331)
                                  Western Sahara
                                                           UNIFIL staff officers (4)
                                  MINURSO staff (4)
                                  MINURSO staff (4)N

                                                                    India and Pakistan
                                                                    India and Pakikia and Paa
                                                                    UNTSO staff (7(7ff(staff (7
                                                                    UNTSO staff (7)
                                           Darfur, Sudan
                                           Darfur Sudan
                                           UNMISS staff (2)   South Sudan
                                                              Hanbit Unit (280)
                                                              UNMISS observers
                                                              and staff officers (7)

           |  Dongmyeong 54)  Unit in Lebanon  |    In 1978,
           the UN established the United Nations Interim

           Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) following the
           adoption of UN Security Council Resolutions
           425 and 427, and began to monitor the armistice

           agreement between Lebanon and Israel.
             In 2006, when the conflict between Israel and
                                                         Surveillance activity at a fixed guard post (July 2017)

           54)  “Dongmyeong” means bright light of the east from an Eastern country, and signifies the hope for a bright future
                and peace.

           212    Chapter 5  Development of the ROK–U.S. Alliance, and Expansion of Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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