Page 218 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 218

2. Multinational Forces’ Peace Operations

             Peace operations of multinational forces are activities undertaken by multinational forces under
           the leadership of select countries and regional organizations based on UN Security Council

           resolutions or other grounds. Together with UN peacekeeping operations, peace operations by
           multinational forces play an important role in the stabilization and reconstruction of conf lict
           regions. Starting in 2001, the ROK government has deployed Haeseong, Cheongma, Dongeui,

           Dasan, and Ashena units to Afghanistan, and Seohee, Jaema, Zaytun, and Daiman units to
             The Ahsena Unit, in particular, was deployed to Afghanistan in 2010 to support the

           stabilization and reconstruction of the country. The unit protected the reconstruction activities
           of the Provincial Reconstruction Team without experiencing any loss or damage during a span
           of more than 1,800 escort and surveillance operations between 2010 and June 2014, thereby
           contributing significantly to the stabilization and reconstruction of Afghanistan.

             As of November 2018, the ROK deployed 311 personnel in five countries for multinational
           forces’ peace operations including 302 of the Cheonghae Unit and 9 individually deployed

           personnel. An overview of the ROK’s participation in multinational forces’ peace operations is
           shown in [Chart 5-9].

           [ Chart 5-9 ]  ROK’s Participation in Multinational Forces’ Peace Operations
                                                                         As of November 2018 Unit: Persons

                                   U.S. Africa                  Lebanon Combined
                                   Command (1)                  Maritimes Forces
                                                                Staff officers (4)

               U.S. Central Command                             Somali waters
               Coordination/staff officers (2)                  Cheonghae Unit (302)
                                                                Djibouti coordination officers (2)

           |  Cheonghae Unit in Somali Waters  |    Due to the civil war in Somalia, there was a sharp

           216    Chapter 5  Development of the ROK–U.S. Alliance, and Expansion of Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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