Page 231 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 231

|  Use of Personal Mobile Phones  |    To alleviate

               the sense of isolation felt by servicemembers, and
               help them pursue self-development and sound leisure
               activities, the ROK Armed Forces decided to allow

               enlisted servicemembers to use personal mobile phones
               after a pilot program in selected units and an opinion-
               gathering process from multiple sources. To facilitate   Receive-only mobile phone for common use

               communication with people outside the military, the
               ROK Armed Forces provided receive-only mobile phones for common use and public video
               telephones at barracks since 2015, which contributed to relieving the sense of isolation and

               anxiety felt by servicemembers and their parents.
                 The MND previously banned enlisted servicemembers from using personal mobile phones
               in barracks out of concern for security risks and the relaxation of military discipline. However,
               to facilitate communication with people outside the military, the MND plans to allow

               servicemembers to use personal mobile phones after working hours and during holidays. The
               MND will determine the timing of full implementation as it expands the scope of pilot operation

               gradually by phases.

               |  Promotion of Leave after Working Hours on Weekdays  |    To help servicemembers
               prepare for their missions by providing suff  icient rest and autonomy to the possible extent, the
                                                                                                         Chapter 6
               MND developed several measures to promote the use of leave after working hours on weekdays
               by enlisted servicemembers, based on the consideration of the need to maintain the military
               readiness posture and the different conditions in individual units.

                 While enlisted servicemembers are allowed to take a leave after working hours on weekdays if
               required under the current regulations, only a small number of enlisted servicemembers actually
               take advantage of the leave. 1)  In the future, the MND plans to promote the use of leave after

               working hours under the approval of commanding off icers for small-scale group activities,

               1)  MND, Unit Management Directive, Article 57(Distinction between Leave and Off-Post
                  Visit) Paragraph 2: “Special leave and off-post visit refer to the leaves and off-post visits
                  given as incentives on holidays or weekdays, including holidays, and the leaves and
                  off-post visits individually permitted during or after working hours for special purposes
                                                                                      70 th  Armed Forces Day
                  including participation in off-post courses or rewards.”                   ceremony

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