Page 240 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 240

expanded the distribution of running shirts       Quality Improvement for Clothes

           and drawers underwear in consideration                 Close to the Lives
           of the preference of the servicemembers.
           In the future, the MND plans to improve

           other supplies that are close to the lives of
           servicemembers such as combat gloves and
           liquid detergents.                        Improvement of sneakers  Improvement of running shirts

             As for personal gears, to ensure that
           servicemembers in each battalion can exer-
           cise their combat power in full, the MND

           distributed bulletproof vests and helmets,
                                                     Drawers underwear    Battle gloves (Sample)
           personal tents, combat backpacks, combat
           vests, and other gears across all GOP
           divisions by 2015, and plans to supply them to all support units by 2020. In addition, starting

           in 2019, to protect the lives of servicemembers in the f ield, the MND will distribute bulletproof
           helmets and vests improved for protection and functionality.

             The MND will continue its efforts to develop and improve clothes and personal gears in
           ways that ref lect the changes in the battlef ield, and contribute to improving the welfare for
           servicemembers. The MND will also raise the combat power of the military by distributing
           improved clothes and personal gears early on.

           |  Healthy and Safe Diet  |    The ROK Armed Forces provides safe, nutritious, and balanced
           meals designed to maintain health and combat power of servicemembers. As servicemembers

           are more active and consume more energy than others, meals are planned and provided based
           on a 3,000 kcal standard, 4)  which is higher than the common standard at 2,600 kcal. In addition,
           the MND continues to raise the basic meal expenses 5)  for servicemembers to provide them with

           high-quality meals preferred by the new generation of servicemembers.

           4)  The MND established the “Nutrition Standards for Servicemembers” through a research project carried out by
              KIDA. The standards consider the physical conditions of servicemembers and the recent changes in military life.
           5)  Expenses purely incurred by foods including main menus, side dishes, and desserts

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