Page 146 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 146

To maintain the forces’ quick response posture for mobilization and enable them to exert

           combat power immediately after mobilization, the Army Mobilization Force Command will
           foster mobilization divisions and mobilization supplement battalions and, therefore, ensure the
           optimal conditions for conducting operations during a contingency.

             In June 2018, the Reserve Forces Research Center was set up within the Research Institute
           for National Security Af fairs of the KNDU to carry out specialized research on policies
           and strategies for national mobilization and reserve forces. By organizing seminars as well as

           promoting exchange and cooperation with international research institutes, the Reserve Forces
           Research Center will nurture reserve force experts and provide support for the formulation and
           development of national mobilization policies and strategies.

             For troop mobilization that ef fectively meets the operational requirements of the Armed
           Forces, the MND has been improving the performance of the Defense Mobilization Information
           System 22)  and plans to continuously expand its connection with other government agencies’
           information systems.

             To improve the effectiveness of troop mobilization in wartime, government–military joint
           simulation exercises for mobilization procedures in wartime have been conducted. In the

           Chungmu Training, the government’s Chungmu Plan and the Armed Forces’ mobilization plans
           are tested through exercises involving the actual mobilization of human and material resources.
             To optimize the number of goods and businesses mobilized in wartime, the MND has been
           reviewing and verifying mobilization requirements with the Ministry of the Interior and Safety;

           the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy; and other government agenc ies responsible for
           resource management. For the ef f icient mobilization of supplies, the MND will continue to
           improve the effectiveness of resource mobilization by conducting surveys on mobilization

           resources with other government agencies and organizing events such as the Critically Managed
           Resources Testing Day.

           |  Organization of Reserve Forces and Resource Management  |    Reservists are organized
           and managed to be prepared for total war. Together with active-duty units, they make up an

           22)  An information system that shares MND’s database concerning mobilization and reserve forces with government
               agencies, the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, and other relevant organizations to execute tasks

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