Page 150 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 150

[ Chart 4-11 ]  The Smart Trainee Management System of the Korea Army Training Center

             Smart Management of Barracks                 Smart Education and Training System
             Building an optimized barracks environment using intelligent sensors  Real-time evaluation and analysis of education and training

                                                           Manual evaluation
                                                           Manual evaluation  Evaluation using a  Evaluation
                                                                         tablet PC  management system
             Smart Health Care                                   Setting Up and Utilizing Big Data
                                                      Work efficiency,
             Real-time monitoring of trainees’ health with wearable e  speed/accuracy,  Analyzing all kinds of handwritten documents using
             devices                        Manual works,   and  big data technologies
                                            execution time,   public service
                                             and on-site
                Wearable  Real-time  Emergency                      Handwritten  Big data systems  Analysis reports
                devices  monitoring  rescue system                  documents
                                                  Internet of Things
                                                          S St
             Smart Meal Management                        Strengthening Public Servicerengthe
             Real-time inspection, inventory management, estimation of the   Th  h  b it
                                                          Through website, SNS, and letter-writing functions
             number of diners, and intelligent management of refrigerators
              Manual inspection  Automatic recognition  Intelligent ingredient  Trainee life  Website  Mobile service
               of ingredients  of ingredients  management

             The MND will continue to promote the innovative enhancement of military strength by
           applying ICT technologies to defense and expanding exchange with relevant government

           agencies as well as specialized industrial, academic, and research organizations.

           |  Building a Hyper-Connected Network and Next-Generation Computing Environment  |

           The MND has been building a future-oriented next-generation Military Broadband Convergence
           Network (MBCN) for the era of hyper-connectivity and hyper-intelligence. The existing
           MBCN, set up in 2011 in a build–transfer–lease (BTL) program, became an outstanding piece

           of infrastructure that now accommodates 7,000 lines and can be used in field operations. The
           MND will continue to build an MBCN capable of ultrahigh-speed and high-volume data f  low
           to handle future changes in the battlefield environment.

           148    Chapter 4  Building Elite Armed Forces Using Advanced Technology
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