Page 149 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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Under this broader objective, the MND will develop an intelligent weapons system by

               applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data technologies. It plans to signif icantly improve
               Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities by establishing the “Intelligent
               ICT Surveillance and Reconnaissance System” that is capable of combining and analyzing

               the imagery intelligence obtained from various sensors like military satellites, reconnaissance
               aircraft, and UAVs. The long-term plan is to develop an AI-based intelligent command and
               control system, utilize the system to analyze and share battlefield situations in real time, and,

               thus ensure rapid command and control.
                 The MND also plans to operate a realistic training system by applying Virtual Reality (VR)
               technologies. With the consideration of battlefield environments and the characteristics of

               each Armed Forces branch’s missions, it will create the “special operations simulation training
               system” for the Army, the “submarine crew training system” for the Navy, and the “air base
               operation tr aining system” for the Air Force. In addition, the development of the education
               program for the maintenance of military equipment, which involves safety risks and requires a   Chapter 4

               high level of technical proficiency, as well as a system that supports actual maintenance activities
               are underway. The VR-assisted training system is expected to contribute to accident prevention

               and budget reduction.
                 Advanced ICT technologies will be integrated into the existing systems to help create a
               smart barracks environment. To save management costs and eff iciently operate the wor kforce,
               intrusion detection systems using vibration and thermal detection sensor technologies as well as

               Internet-of-Things (IoT)–based systems for the remote management of personnel, equipment,
               and facilities will be installed. Another plan is to establish the “Smart Trainee Management
               System” within the Korea Army Training Center to facilitate the real-time assessment of

               education and training. Wearable devices will be used to manage trainees’ health data, while
               the automated control of indoor temperature and humidity is expected to help create a more
               pleasant environment in military barracks. The quality of military medical services will be

               improved with the establishment of a remote diagnosis and treatment system using wireless
               LTE solutions, which enables the proper treatments of patients in critical conditions during

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