Page 148 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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by systemically running training programs with smart training management systems. 25)  The

           system is designed for real-time management of all training stages including reservists’ entry
           into training camp, training evaluation, and release from training camp.
             As of the end of December 2018, the MND is operating f ive scientif ic reserve force training

           centers. 26)  In cooperation with local governments, it is planning a program to open training
           centers to local residents on weekends, while utilizing the sites for security-related experiences
           and leisure when there is no scheduled training.

             Ef forts are underway to improve training methods and boost the benef its given to the people.
           To enhance reservists’ mission capabilities, courses relevant to each unit’s wartime mission will
           be reviewed and, if appropriate, incorporated into the reserve force training program. At the

           same time, compensation for reserve force training will be raised 27)  to boost reservists’ morale
           and their participation in training.
             Furthermore, the part-time service program for reservists, 28)  which started in 2014 as a
           pilot project, will be expanded in terms of scale and eligibility by 2023 to enhance the mission

           capabilities of mobilization units in wartime.

           2. Innovation of Defense Informatization Using Advanced
             Technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

           |  Applying Advanced ICT Technologies to Defense Fields  |    The MND plans to apply
           cutting-edge Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to defense f ields to proactively
           prepare for the changing security environment and the advancement of ICT.

           25)  It is a scientific training management system that applies advanced ICT technologies to the training of reserve
               forces. The system is capable of managing reservists’ entry to and release from training camps as well as
               evaluating and supporting training.
           26)  One in the Gyeonggi region (Geumgok training center set up in 2014), three in the Chungcheong region (Goesan,
               Chungju, and Okcheon in 2017), and one in Gangwon Province (Manjong in 2018)
           27)  The compensation for mobilization training has increased from KRW 10,000 in 2017 to KRW 16,000 in 2018 and
               KRW 32,000 in 2019.
           28)  A program in which volunteers are selected among reserve officers assigned to mobilization divisions and
               mobilization supplement battalions, and serve part-time for 15 days a year, participating in unit trainings and
               managing mobilization resources to firmly establish immediate mission execution posture for emergencies

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