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The next-generation computing environment will be cloud 29) -based, establishing it to be more

               cost-effective, eff icient, and secure. The MND has been reviewing projects to apply relevant
               technologies to defense f ields including a project to set up a cloud computing environment
               in cyber knowledge information facilities. To develop smarter operation support conditions,

               it will create a defense mobile environment that integrates commercial mobile communic ation

               |  Advancement of the Defense Information System  |    To streamline defense-related duties
               and decision-making processes, the MND has been upgrading its information systems for key
               areas, including human resources, logistics, mobilization, and f inance, and has been building an

               information system that all forces can share. For effective management of defense data, it plans
               to assist decision-making processes with defense data and data generated in civilian sectors
               through the application of big data and AI technologies.
                 The MND will gradually expand the use of open software in the military in conjunction   Chapter 4

               with the government-wide policy to promote open software use while proactively adopting
               domestically developed commercial software.

                 In preparation for wartime OPCON transition, the MND has been developing the defense
               modeling and simulation (M&S) 30)  system to improve the capabilities for ROK Armed Forces–
               led combined exercises and training. Various war-game models for joint exercises are being
               upgraded, and the Live, Virtual, Constructive (LVC) training system 31)  densely integrated with

               cutting-edge ICT technologies is under development.

               |  Strengthening Interoperability  |    The development of military science and technology

               is expected to create a network-centric operational environment in future wars. In such
               environment, information has to be shared in real time via information systems connected with

               29)  A virtual data storage where data can be accessed through a network connection anytime from anywhere
                   because the data is saved in network-connected datacenters
               30)  It is a compound term consisting of modeling and simulation. It is a tool and method that assists requirement
                   filings, requirement determinations, acquisition, analysis and evaluation, and education and training with
                   scientific techniques.
               31)  A cutting-edge realistic training system capable of integrating and operating Live (real operations), Virtual (virtual
                   simulations), and Constructive (war-gaming) systems into one constructive environment

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