Page 141 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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and grow within the defense industry because of the price-based competition and high entry

               barriers. To provide a new opportunity for the defense industry to advance, the Defense Industry
               Promotion Conference was held and presided by the president of the Republic of Korea in
               September 2018. The conference was attended by nearly 150 off icials including the ministers

               and heads of relevant government agencies—the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy; the
               MSIT;  and the Financial Services Commission—as well as defense industry representatives and
               experts. The government agencies made a joint presentation on the defense industry development

               plans that call for a paradigm shift toward an enterprising, open, and export-oriented defense
               industry. They also agreed to actively implement the plans. First, the technology and quality
               criteria will be given more weight in weapons system R&D proposal evaluations to ensure that

               companies with outstanding technologies are chosen. To encourage more small and medium
               enterprises (SMEs) and ventures to join the defense industry, a defense ventures and innovative
               technology support program 16)  will be newly launched, with an expansion of tailored support,
               which will provide SMEs and ventures with the growth ladder that would help them develop   Chapter 4

               into competitive defense companies.
                 To help accelerate the technological

               innovation by SMEs and ventures, the
               government plans to establish a virtuous
               cycle, 17)  in which each service of the
               Armed Forces and system suppliers

               create requirements for the localization of
               weapons systems, and where SMEs and
                                                        Defense Industry Promotion Conference
               ventures develop them. Meanwhile, the    (September 2018)

               MND will pursue the enactment of the
               “Defense Industry Promotion Act” and establish the “Defense Industry Promotion Agency”
               (provisional name) to correct the practice of unfair trade between large companies and SMEs,

               16)  It is a program for discovering and supporting developments of highly advanced technologies that the military
                   and system suppliers need. The program awards up to KRW 500 million to a project over a period of up to three
               17)  Establishing comprehensive part management policies (MND) ª Finding requirements for localizations of
                   parts (Armed Forces and system suppliers) ª Executing part localization projects (DAPA) ª Developing and
                   supplying parts (Defense SMEs and ventures)

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