Page 137 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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3. Strengthening Expertise and Flexibility in Project Management

               |  Strengthening Defense Acquisition Expertise  |    The MND and the DAPA have strived
               to secure acquisition personnel’s expertise and improve the personnel management system to

               successfully carry out projects in the modern defense environment, where weapons systems
               are becoming more advanced and complex, and technologies are rapidly evolving. The two
               branches of the defense acquisition education system—the Occupational Work Training Center

               of the Korea National Defense University (KNDU) and the DAPA Education Center—will be
               merged into one under the control of the DAPA, with plans to set up a specialized educational
               institution for defense acquisition that delivers high-quality education and research.

                 Under the principle of “education f irst, assignment later,” the specialized educational institution
               will educate all personnel working in defense acquisition projects on expert knowledge on
               weapons systems and help them cultivate professional capabilities to implement policies from a
               macro-level view. The institution is expected to become a cradle of defense acquisition specialists   Chapter 4

               that also contributes to the creation of a working environment that promotes communication
               and collaboration.

                 To improve eff iciency in operations and promote the accumulation of expertise, the MND
               will newly establish the Project Management Office (PMO) system, where a series of project
               management processes between the start of a project and its end are carried out by one
               designated group. In addition, the DAPA will adopt the program of public of f  icials in technical

               service 11)  to encourage its employees to manage projects responsibly as well as build expertise
               and work knowledge as defense acquisition specialist of f icials.

               |  Developing Flexibility in Program Management  |    The MND and the DAPA will create
               an environment for f lexible and speedy project execution to respond to changes in the security
               environment as well as science and technology. To enable the selection and application of

               optimal project execution methods in consideration of the size, urgency, technological level,

               11)  They are public officials who are assigned to certain specialist areas only that require a high-level of expertise
                   and long-term service. Their titles are categorized into chief specialist officials and specialist officials.
                   (Regulations on the Personnel Management of Public Officials in Technical/Professional Service, Presidential
                   Decree No.28211, July 26, 2017)

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