Page 139 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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this objective, the MND will set up a future challenge technology development 13)  program and

               strengthen strategic technology planning under the principle of selection and concentration.

               [ Chart 4-9 ]  Future of Defense in Connection with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Examples)

                                             Supercavitating midget submarine
                  Micro-drone swarm technology                                Invisible stealth tank
                                              with water-breathing propulsion

                 In addition, the roles of government-funded defense institutions will be redef ined to help
               create conditions, in which each institution can concentrate its capabilities into selected areas.   Chapter 4

               The ADD will focus on the development of core and new technologies, while DTAQ will be
               dedicated to defense quality management and reliability evaluation. Additionally, to enhance

               investigation, forecasting, technology planning, analysis, evaluation, and the management of
               future technologies, the Defense Technology Planning and Evaluation Institute, an organization
               specializing in these functions, will be newly established.

               |  Expanding the Utilization of Defense R&D Capabilities in Defense Fields  |    The MND
               and the DAPA will develop a more open and flexible defense R&D program to encourage civilian
               participation and expand the military use of outstanding civilian technologies. The agreement

               method will be adopted in the field of technology development, while the range of application
               of the sincere performance recognition program 14)  will be expanded. The MND also plans to
               reduce the burden of weapons system development imposed on contractors by expanding the

               13)  Innovative, challenging defense technologies that are not based on weapon system requirements or that can
                   create requirements themselves
               14)  A program that waives the disadvantages that researchers may receive and gives them opportunities to try
                   again when their research projects have stopped or failed because of weak results but they are deemed to
                   have sincerely carried out their projects

             Section 4  Improving the Transparency of the Defense Acquisition Program and the Competitiveness of the Defense Industry     137
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