Page 142 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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and establish the appropriate scope of responsibility-sharing between system suppliers and their

           contractors. By doing so, the MND aims to strengthen the mutually benef icial cooperation
           between large corporations and SMEs and thus, promote cooperative partnerships between
           them, and systemically nurture the defense industry.

           |  Vitalizing Defense Exports  |    Exports of defense articles have contributed to the strengthening
           of national defense capabilities and the enhancement of economic vitality by keeping defense

           contractors operating and creating quality jobs. They have also played an important role in
           contributing to the expansion of defense cooperation with partner countries. To assist the
           domestic defense industry in becoming globally competitive, the ROK government has, so far,

           supported R&D for the remodeling and development of defense articles for export;  established
           intergovernmental cooperation channels, such as the Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs),
           signed with foreign governments for defense industrial cooperation; and assisted SMEs’ entry
           into overseas mar kets. In 2017, defense exports reached USD 3.12 billion, which is 10 times or

           more than the amount in 2006. [Chart 4-10] shows the growth in defense exports.
             A remarkable growth in defense exports both in quantity and quality has been achieved—the

           range of target countries for exports expanded from those in North America to Asia, and the
           categories of export items became more advanced from being ammunition and f irearm centered
           to expanding the range of maneuver, f ires, aviation, etc.

           [ Chart 4-10 ]  Changes in Defense Exports
                                                                                  Unit: USD 100 million
           40                                                       36.1
                                                              34.2         35.4
                                                 23.8  23.5
                                    11.7  11.9
                2006   2007  2008   2009  2010   2011  2012   2013  2014   2015  2016   2017

             Following the recent intensif ication of competition in the global defense export market and
           the diversif ication of customer countries’ requirements, there is a need for policy changes to

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