Page 250 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 250

2020, during operations in the expanded area, ROK’s Wang Geon destroyer (the 31st
                            contingent of the Cheonghae Unit) rescued 10 sailors from an Iranian vessel that had
                            been stranded for about a week. The rescued sailors were provided with sufficient
                            supplies including fuel and food. The Strait of Hormuz is a strategically important
                            area as more than 70  of the ROK’s crude oil imports pass through the area and
                            ROK vessels navigate the strait around 900 times a year. The Cheonghae while
                            carrying out its mission independently in the expanded operation area will conduct
                            joint operations with the International Maritime Security Construct (IMSC)  when
                            necessary to protect ROK nationals and vessels.
                             In this regard, two liaison officers from the Cheonghae Unit were dispatched to
                            the IMSC in February 2020 to conduct necessary cooperation activities including
                            information sharing.

                            Staff Officers and Coordination Officers  The ROK Armed Forces has dis-
                            of Multinational Forces                patched a total of 10 staff officers
                                                                   and coordination officers to the
                            CMF in Bahrain, the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) in
                            Djibouti, the Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR)
                            in Kuwait, and the United States Central Command and Africa Command. Their
                            major missions are performing staff duties for the CMF, establishing combined
                            operations plans, supporting the rotation and combat service of the ROK Armed
                            Forces overseas deployment units, and cooperating with local allied forces. The ROK
                            Armed Forces continues to stay active in participating in multinational forces’ peace
                            operations. In December 2019 in particular, two coordination off cers were dispatched
                            to the CJTF-OIR to carry out ISIS suppression operations.

                            3. Defense Exchanges and Cooperation Activities

        65)                 Upon request from a given country, the ROK Armed Forces dispatches their forces
        A consortium of countries
        tasked with escorting the   to areas where there is no risk of combat and servicemembers’ safety is assured to
        Strait of Hormuz. Stationed
        in Bahrain, its member   conduct defense exchanges and cooperation activities in noncombatant f elds such as
        states are the United
        States, United Kingdom,   education and training, humanitarian assistance, and disaster relief.
        Australia, Saudi Arabia,
        UAE, Albania, Bahrain, and   In November 2013, the ROK Armed Forces deployed the Araw Contingent to
                            support recovery efforts in the Philippines, which suffered severe typhoon damage.
        CJTF-OIR carries out   The Araw Contingent successfully completed its mission of assisting with the
        operations to defeat ISIS in
        Iraq and Syria      recovery of damaged areas and withdrew in December 2014. In March 2014,

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