Page 253 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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               President Moons keynote speech at the 74th UN General Assembly in September
               2019, the President declared that the ROK will be hosting the 2021 Peacekeeping
               Ministerial Conference, which will be the f rst time that this conference will be held
               in Asia. The UN Peacekeeping Ministerial Conference is the largest, highest-level
               regular conference in the field of peace and security to discuss current issues in
               international peacekeeping operations and promote the expansion of contributions
               from each country. Defense and foreign affairs ministers from more than 150
               countries  attend the conference. About 110 countries participated in the 1st and
               2nd conferences held in the UK and Canada in 2016 and 2017, respectively, and the
               3rd conference hosted by the United Nations in 2019. Three areas of peacekeeping
               operations were selected as core agendas  upon consultation with 10 co-chairs ,
               which will be discussed at the 4th conference. Members from the private sector such
               as representatives of relative international organizations, academia, and press are
               also expected to participate.
                 By hosting the Peacekeeping Ministerial Conference, the ROK government intends
               to raise its stature in the international community by deriving new international
               norms and pledges for peacekeeping operations in fields where the ROK gains             Chapter 6
               advantages such as new technologies and peace building. As year 2021 marks the

               ROK’s 30th anniversary of joining the UN, the ROK government, through a top-
               level official’s speech, will deliver a message of peace on the Korean peninsula and
               garner support from the international community concerning the policies on the   68)
               Korean peninsula.                                                     Member states of the
                                                                                     Special Committee on
                 At the last conference, the MND made pledges such as the ROK hosting a UN   Peacekeeping Operations
                                                                                     (C34) under the UN General
               peacekeeping training course, providing equipment including Mine-Resistant   Assembly.
               Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle, and increasing the proportion of female   69)
                                                                                     ˝   Strengthening the
               peacekeepers. The MND, at the next conference, plans to propose various   mission execution
               contribution pledges utilizing the ROK’s strengths as a technological powerhouse.  ˞ Sustainment of peace
                                                                                     ˟  Safety and protection
                 For systematic preparations for the 4th                              of civilians
               conference, the MND and the MOFA                                      70)
                                                                                     The ROK, the United
               launched a Preparatory Committee for                                  States, the United
               the 2021 UN Peacekeeping Ministerial                                  Kingdom, Canada,
                                                                                     Ethiopia, Rwanda,
               Conference, cochaired by the Ministers                                Bangladesh, Indonesia,
                                                                                     Netherlands, Pakistan, and
               of National Defense and Foreign Aff-                                  Uruguay
               airs, and a Preparatory Secretariat for                               71)
                                                                                     The group consists of
               working-level support. During two                                     general planning, internal
                                                                                     cooperation (establishing
               Preparatory committee meetings in                                     pledges), conference
                                                 Launching of the Preparatory Secretariat for the   management, and
               May and November 2020, 10 relevant   Peacekeeping Ministerial Conference (July 2020)  promotion.

                   Chapter 6.  Developing a Robust ROK–US Alliance that is Mutually Complementary and Promoting Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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