Page 254 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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72)                 ministries including the MND and the MOFA gathered to collaborate on hosting a
        The UNMISS and
        the United Nations   successful conference by coming up with contribution pledges as the host nation that
        Organization Stabilization
        Mission in the Democratic   actually benef t the UN and agreeing to strengthen inter-agency cooperation to induce
        Republic of the Congo
        (MONUSCO)           the participation of member states. In addition, the Preparatory Secretariat will consist
        73)                 of four teams  and will continue to make sound preparations for the successful
        The Experts’ Working
        Groups (EWGs) of the   hosting of the Peacekeeping Ministerial Conference.
        ADMM-Plus have been
        established to facilitate   Meanwhile, in July 2020, the MND and the MOFA sent 30,000 face masks printed
        cooperation in the following
        areas:              with promotional phrases for the 2021 Peacekeeping Ministerial Conference to
        ˝  peacekeeping                   72)
         operations         two UN missions  in Africa, which are carrying out their duties despite harsh
        ˞ counterterrorism   conditions such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The distribution fueled the international
        ˟ maritime security
        ˠ military medicine   community’s interest in the conference which will be held in 2021 and at the same
        ˡ  humanitarian aid and
         disaster relief (disaster   time showed the ROK’s willingness to contribute to peacekeeping operations.
         relief and humanitarian
        ˢ  humanitarian mine
         action. One ASEAN   Co-chairing ADMM-Plus
         country and one PLUS
         country assume co-  Experts’ Working Groups on
         chairmanship of each   PKOs and Maritime Security
         EWG. There are 10
         ASEAN countries (Laos,
         Malaysia, Myanmar,
         Vietnam, Brunei,
         Singapore, Indonesia,   From 2014 to 2017, the ROK served as
         Philippines, Cambodia,
         and Thailand) and 8 Plus   the co-chair of the ADMM-Plus Ex-
         countries (ROK, United   perts’ Working Group on Peacekeeping
         States, China, Japan,
         Russia, Australia, New   Operations (PKO EWG)  along with
         Zealand, and India).                                 ADMM-Plus EWG on Maritime Security
                            Cambodia. In September 2014 and
        From September 14 to   September 2015, the ROK hosted a meeting of the PKO EWG in Seoul to discuss
        23, 2019, a PKO exercise
        was conducted at the   practical ways to cooperate among the member states. In September 2019, the ROK
        Bogor PKO Center in
        Indonesia, with a total of   participated in a PKO exercise conducted in Bogor, Indonesia , sharing the ROK’s
        370 personnel from the 18
        countries that participate   outstanding capabilities in peacekeeping operations and gaining recognition as a
        in the ADMM-Plus. From
        the ROK, 12 observers and   leading country in peacekeeping operations in the international community. The
        training members of the
        ROK International Peace   ROK also served as the co-chair of the ADMM-Plus EWG on Maritime Security
        Support Standby Force,
        also known as Onnuri Unit,   with Singapore from 2017 to 2020.
        participated in training                                    75)
        sessions in 6 areas (sexual   In May 2019, the two countries led the largest-ever  live maneuver training exercise
        exploitation and abuse,   on maritime security in the ROK and Singaporean waters. Furthermore, through
        mine accidents, illegal
        search, child soldiers,   international conferences on maritime security, the ROK discussed maritime security
        security screening,
        and IED).           and confidence-building measures in international waters as well as the maritime
        75)                 security capabilities of the ROK Armed Forces and multilateral cooperation activities
        Exercise conducted
        between April 30, 2019 and   with the international community. Participation in the conferences has reinforced the
        May 13, 2019 where 18
        warships, 10 aircraft, and   ROK’s stature as a responsible member of the international community and a leader
        more than 3,500 troops
        participated.       in maritime security.

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