Page 257 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 257

Operation of a Standing Unit  Since December 2009, the ROK Armed Forces
               for Overseas Deployment      has been operating a standing unit for overseas
                                            deployment consisting of some 4,000 troops
               that can be deployed in one or two months after a PKO mission order is given. The
               standing unit consists of a dedicated deployment unit of 1,000 troops, a designated
               reserve unit of 1,000 troops, and a specially designated unit of 2,000 troops. The
               dedicated deployment unit is the first to prepare for deployment when the need for
               deployment arises. In July 2010, the International Peace Support Standby Force
               (IPSSF), or "Onnuri Unit"  was established as a unit devoted solely to overseas
               deployment.  The designated reserve unit prepares for the rotation of deployed
               personnel or additional deployment, and the specially designated unit, a functional
               unit, prepares for various deployment requirements. When the UN requests
               deployments of engineering and medical units, the specially designated unit will
               receive the required personnel mainly from the existing designated parent units
               (engineering and medical) and will then be deployed. The structure of the standing
               unit for overseas deployment is shown in [Chart 6-14] and the number of deployed
               personnel is in [Chart 6-15].                                                           Chapter 6

               [Chart 6-14] Structure of the Standing Unit for Overseas Deployment

                                         Joint Chiefs of Staff

                                           Standing unit for
                                         overseas deployment

                     deployment unit     Designated reserve unit  Specially designated unit
                  Specially designated unit: Engineering, medical, military police, UAV platoons (Marine Corps), transport units of   77)
                Navy and Air Force, helicopter units, etc.                           "Onnuri" is a Korean
                                                                                     compound word consisting
                                                                                     of "on", which means
               [Chart 6-15] Number of Personnel Deployed from the Standing Unit      "whole" and "all", and
                                                                   (2010 - November 2020)  "nuri", which means "the
                                                                                     world inhabited by people".
                 Dongmyeong Unit  Ashena Unit  Akh Unit     Hanbit Unit   Total      The name signifies a unit
                7,607 (24 contingents) 1,745 (8 contingents) 2,234 (17 contingents) 3,403 (12 contingents)  14,989  that performs its missions
                                                                                     all over the world.

                   Chapter 6.  Developing a Robust ROK–US Alliance that is Mutually Complementary and Promoting Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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