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between the ROK and the UAE, the Akh Unit has contributed in advancing the
                            relationship between the two countries into a "special strategic partnership". In June
                            2020, the rotation between the 16th and 17th contigents of the Akh Unit took place in
                            the midst of the global spread of COVID-19, by utilizing the KC-330 Cygnus, a Multi
                            Role Tanker Transport (MRTT), which was introduced at the end of 2019 for the first
                            time among overseas deployment troops. This made it possible to reduce rotational
                            costs, and improve mission execution conditions through the transport of munitions
                            and firearms. Since the deployment of the Akh Unit, the ROK and the UAE have
                            strengthened military confidence between the two countries by engaging in active
                            exchanges and cooperation such as special warfare exercises and mutual visits by
                            delegations in the Army, Navy, and Air Force in the f eld of cyber and logistics. Major
                            activities of the Akh Unit are listed in [Chart 6-12].

                            [Chart 6-12] Major Activities of Akh Unit
                                                                                (As of November 2020)

                                             •  Contribution to the development of the UAE Armed Forces by improving their
                             Enhancement of UAE   special warfare operations execution capabilities
                              Forces’ Capabilities
                                             • Improvement of the education and training system of the UAE Armed Forces
                                             •  Utilization of the cutting edge facilities and equipment of the UAE to enhance
                                              special operations capabilities
                            Enhancement of ROK’s  •  Exercises to enhance survivability under harsh conditions (high temperature
                              Military Capabilities  above 50°C, desert)
                                             •  Long-range firing exercise, High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) exercise, and
                                              mountain warfare exercise
                                             •  UAE observation of major ROK exercises and participation in ROK–UAE
                                              combined exercises
                                             •  Exchange of officers for consignment education by each service of the ROK–UAE
                             Expansion of Defense   Armed Forces
                                Exchanges    •  Medical cooperation including the treatment of UAE military patients and families
                                              at ROK civilian hospitals
                                             •  Establishment of a defense diplomacy hub in the Middle East that covers
                                              cooperation for defense exports

                            4.  Expansion and Development of the Foundation for Peacekeeping

                            Hosting the UN Peacekeeping    The "UN Peacekeeping Ministerial Con-
                            Ministerial Conference         ference", scheduled to be held in the ROK in
                                                           2021, is expected to serve as an important
                            opportunity for the ROK, as a country that leads world peace, to strengthen its
                            contribution to the international community. The proposal to hold the next
                            conference in the ROK was made at the 3rd Peacekeeping Ministerial Conference
                            which was held at the UN Headquarters in March 2019. Furthermore, during

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