Page 245 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 245

[Chart 6-8] Major Activities of Dongmyeong Unit
                                                                    (As of November 2020)
                           • Surveillance and reconnaissance in the operation area: 110,000 times
                 Operational   •  On-foot and vehicular reconnaissance, and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD)
                  Activities  reconnaissance: 6,400 times
                           • Combined reconnaissance with Lebanese forces: 110,000 times
                           • Medical support for local residents: 150,000 times
                           • Treatment of livestock: 35,000 heads
                           • Taekwondo class: 2 towns (Abbassia and Burglia) / Soap art class: 5-town tour
                Operations and   • Korean class: Distance education
                           •  Projects for local residents: 417 projects (public facilities, school facilities, sewage facilities,
                 Assistance  etc.)
                           • Support for Lebanese forces: 105 cases
                           •  Support related to the Beirut explosion: 6,000 sets of daily necessities including face
                            masks and 4,000 sets of medical supplies (delivered to the Lebanese Armed Forces)

               Hanbit Unit in South Sudan

               After Sudan gained independence
               from the joint colonial rule of the
               United Kingdom and Egypt, a civil
               war broke out in 1955 due to political                                                  Chapter 6
               and religious causes, and after two

               peace treaties, South Sudan became   Bor-Pibor road repair completion
                                                                                     Hanbit Unit
               indepen-dent from Sudan in July 2011.
               To assist the reconstruction of the newly independent nation, the UN established the   59)
                                                                                     The name “Hanbit” stems
               United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) and requested its   out of the desire to become
                                                                                     “one bright light that leads
               member states to deploy troops.                                       the world” through support
                                                                                     for the reconstruction
                 After receiving the National Assembly’s consent in September 2012, the ROK   of South Sudan and
                                                                                     humanitarian activities.
               government created an engineering unit supporting reconstruction in South Sudan
               (Hanbit Unit) in January 2013 and deployed 300 troops to South Sudan on March 31,   The deployment to South
               2013.                                                                 Sudan is the ROK’s 7th
                                                                                     UN peacekeeping forces
                 In the Bor region that had been devastated by civil war, the Hanbit Unit has   deployment following
                                                                                     deployments to Somalia
               successfully carried out reconstruction support activities including embankment   (1993-1994, reconstruction
                                                                                     assistance), Western
               construction along the Nile as well as the construction and repairs of airport, roads,   Sahara (1994-2006,
                                                                                     medical assistance),
               and bridges. The unit has also assumed humanitarian assistance missions such as   Angola (1995-1996,
                                                                                     reconstruction assistance),
               refugee protection, provision of drinking water, and medical support. In addition,   East Timor (1999-2003,
                                                                                     security and border
               to help the local residents of South Sudan to get back on their feet, the unit operates   control), Lebanon
                                                                                     (2007-present, armistice
               seven courses in the Hanbit Vocational School, including agriculture, carpentry, and   monitoring), and Haiti
                                                                                     (2010-2012, reconstruction
               civil engineering. Major activities of the Hanbit Unit are listed in [Chart 6-9].  assistance.)

                   Chapter 6.  Developing a Robust ROK–US Alliance that is Mutually Complementary and Promoting Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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