Page 246 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 246

[Chart 6-9] Major Activities of Hanbit Unit
                                                                                (As of November 2020)

                                        • Bor Airport renovation, construction of a new helicopter garage, parking ramp and terminal
                                        •  Maintenance and repairs of Bor–Pibor road and drainage renovation (drain system,
                                         installation of corrugated steel plate)
                            Reconstruction  •  Maintenance and repairs of Bor–Mangella road and support for emergency repairs for
                               Support   swept-away areas
                              Operations   •  Road repairs, drainage renovation, and drainage and restoration equipment support for
                                         submerged areas in the Bor region
                                        •  Installation of a photovoltaic power plant at Jonglei State Hospital (Obstetrics and
                                        •  Establishment of the Jonglei State Peace Center, supply of medicine and other materials
                                         to Bor Hospital
                                        •  Provision of flood relief aid to Jonglei State (3 tents for 14 persons)
                                        •  Supply of educational materials to elementary schools in the Bor and Pibor regions,
                                         renovation of the lecture hall at the lifelong education center in John Garang Memorial
                             Civil–Military   University
                            Operations and  •  Operation of Hanbit Farm: approx. 29,000ɝ, planted 12 crops
                             Humanitarian   •  Operation of Hanbit Vocational School (six programs including farming): 588 graduates,
                              Assistance   local instructors currently being trained
                                        •  Training in the ROK: 79 persons visited the ROK over 7 sessions (before the spread of
                                         COVID-19) to complete the agricultural technology course
                                        •  Taekwondo and Korean language classes
                                        •  COVID-19 prevention: Supply of 20,000 face masks and 10,000 COVID-19 diagnostic kits
                                         to the South Sudan government
                                        •  Repairs of internal and external roads, assistance in drainage for submerged areas during
                               Refugee   the rainy season
                              Protection   •  Repairs of a refugee camp, reinforcement of protective walls, construction of 14 new
                                         guard posts
                                        •  Construction of 12 units of UN staff lodging in the Bor base, and guard posts, shelters,
                                         and sanitation and convenience facilities at the Bor Airport (septic tanks, sports facilities,
                             UN Missions   oil storage, etc.)
                             Construction   •  Reinforcement of protective walls and internal roads (4.8km) of the Bor base
                                        •  Reinforcement of protective walls, external moats, and parapet walk (1.8km) in the Pibor
                                         and Akobo independent operation bases
                                        •  Facility renovation for the UN missions in the Bor base (5 units), and others

                             Through various types of reconstruction support activities, Hanbit Unit is
                            contributing to the alleviation of tribal conflicts by increasing the number of
                            infrastructure and promoting exchanges in South Sudan. The unit’s resident-friendly
                            civil-military operation is regarded as a highly exemplary activity by the UN and
                            local officials. In particular, in a situation where rotation of all units belonging
                            to the UNMISS was temporarily suspended due to the spread of COVID-19 in
                            2020, only the Hanbit Unit (the 11th and 12th contingent) was able to carry out
                            rotations after close consultation with the UN and the South Sudan government.
                            The 12th contingent of the Hanbit Unit, after safely completing the rotation process
                            by undergoing strict quarantine measures, provided face masks and COVID-19
                            diagnostic kits to the South Sudan government. Such aid led to the recognition of the
                            importance of the Hanbit Unit’s mission and the reliability of the ROK’s quarantine
                            capabilities by the international community.

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