Page 110 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 110
[Chart 3-13] The Army’s Joint Exercises During the Past Three Years
(Unit: times)
Domestic Overseas
Year Total
Subtotal ROK–US Multilateral Subtotal ROK–US Multilateral
2018 33 31 31 - 2 - 2
2019 91 89 89 - 2 1 1
2020 30 29 29 - 1 1 -
⁙ In 2020, joint exercises were adjusted under the ROK–US agreement due to COVID-19
The Navy conducts realistic cooperative and joint exercises consistent with the
battlefield environment in the East Sea, West Sea, and South Sea, and enhances
its operational capabilities through ROK–US bilateral and multilateral combined
exercises. The Navy conducts cruise training every year to cultivate mission
execution capabilities of cadets and promote national interest.
The joint forces on the ground, air, and sea participate in cooperative and joint
exercises consisting of various types of operations including anti-surface, anti-
submarine, and anti-air operations. Major cooperative and joint exercises include
maritime maneuvers, northwestern island defense, joint response exercise against
local provocations near the NLL, joint amphibious training, and East Sea territory
defense training. During these training activities, the Navy verif es the performance
of precision-guided weapons and maximizes its operational capability through live-
f re training.
To establish a combined defense posture and strengthen the ROK–US alliance,
the Navy is strengthening multilateral combined exercises, including the ROK–US
combined exercise, that promote humanitarian aid and military cooperation. ROK–
US combined exercises are carried out in various forms to enhance the operational
execution capabilities of the combined forces and increase interoperability between
the two countries’ forces. They include ROK–US passing exercises (PASSE ),
combined theater anti-submarine warfare training, mine warfare training, rescue
warfare training, and special warfare
training. Examples of multilateral
ROK Navy’s
cruise training combined training and exercises
include Cobra Gold, Western Pacific
44) Mine Countermeasure Exercise
Cooperation of two or more
units that do not have a (WPMCME ), Rim of the Pacific
command relationship to
achieve a certain common Exercise (RIMPAC), (KOMODO) 45)
which is a multilateral rescue exercise,
Komodo is an island on an the joint field training exercise (FT )
archipelago of the Lesser FTX conducted with ADMM-Plus maritime security
Sunda Islands in Indonesia. of ADMM-Plus maritime security division(May 2019)
2020 Defense White Paper