Page 107 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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education to a large number of trainees. Those who are eligible for education take
               online orientation programs before attending the on-site education course, while f eld
               units can take the various lectures provided by each educational institution without
               temporal and spatial constraints. As of 2020, a total of 52 Military-Massive Open
               Online Course (M-MOOC)  programs are offered in 19 institutions, including the
               Joint Forces Military University (JFMU), KAFNA, Defense Agency for Spiritual
               and Mental Force Enhancement, and Army Infantry School. The MND plans to
               expand Internet-based online education to guarantee necessary military education to     Chapter 3
               servicemembers without restraints.

               Improving the Training System   The overall training system for the civilian
               for Civilian Military Employees   military employees is also being improved
                                              as per the expansion of the number and
               roles of civilian military employees in accordance with Defense Reform 2.0. The
               MND plans to improve the training system for newly employed civilians, which
               has been implemented separately by each service, to a more systematic form of
               integrated training for the entire military starting in 2023. With regards to refresher
               training for grade 6 and below, the curriculum was reviewed and supplemented

               focusing on cultivating the competencies and knowledge required for each position.
               Furthermore, the MND aims to strengthen knowledge and leadership training by
               newly establishing a long-term training course for grade 4 and grade 5 managers.
               Improvements are expected in the personnel policy for the civilian military
               employees in order to conduct specialized degree education in the domains of
               defense administration, technology, and research in the medium and long terms.

               Establishing Joint and Combined   In preparation for future warfare and
               Operations Training System       wartime OPCON transition, the MND
                                                is establishing a training system for
               each rank of officers to foster military specialists with the capability to conduct
               joint and combined operations. The joint training of the military academies has
               been expanded in the officer training course, while basic literacy courses related
               to joint education were newly established in the ROTC and Officer Candidate
               School curriculum. For the refresher curriculum for company-grade officers, the
               MND has added courses for understanding the basic concepts of the organization   A military education
                                                                                     system without maximum
               and formation of other military forces and the execution of joint and combined   enrollment limits and that is
                                                                                     open to all and offers web-
               operations. Moreover, in order to provide a number of personnel with specialized   based courses. Military
                                                                                     -  Massive Open Online
               education in joint and combined operations–which was conducted only for a small   Course )

                           Chapter 3.  Safeguarding Peace by Establishing a Robust Defense Posture Against Omnidirectional Security Threats
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