Page 102 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 102

defense operations and events of
                            terrorism and disaster. The ROK
                            government also built a system to
                            enable the sharing of footages recorded
                            at the integrated CCTV control centers
                            with the Integrated Defense Support
                            Headquarters. As of December 2020,
                            the system is installed in 207 locations   Integrated CCTV Control Center
                            across 228 cities, counties, and dis-
                            tricts, and installation for 48 other sites is underway.
                             Furthermore, with the cooperation of local governments, the ROK government
                            is establishing a video information sharing system between the integrated CCTV
                            control centers and the command post of responsible local military units. The system
                            will enable the sharing of real-time information with the responsible units in the
                            event of a disaster, including counterterrorism and counter-infiltration operations
                            on a regional basis, quick response at the early stage, and increase the efficiency of
                            civilian-government-military-police-firefighting integrated operations. In 2020,
                            the system was successfully installed in 101 areas across 228 cities, counties, and

                            districts. The ROK government will continue to build the system in the following
                            year, regarding it as a core task among the integrated defense tasks.

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