Page 101 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 101
Enhancing the Performance of The Integrated Defense Headquarters
Integrated Defense Training ensures the safety of people from various
threats such as nonmilitary threats that
may occur during wartime and peacetime. 17 metropolitan cities and provinces
across the country are divided into 11 zones to conduct a comprehensive rear-area
training (Hwarang Training) where all national defense elements participate to
diagnose, supplement, and develop the integrated defense operation system for each
region. In particular, the Integrated Defense Headquarters expanded and reorganized Chapter 3
an integrated government evaluation team that has been in effect since 2018, and
subject matter experts in related fields conducted exclusive evaluations of related
organizations focusing on site-oriented actions to strengthen the integrated defense
capability centered on the heads of local governments. The level of integrated
defense posture was also further improved at the regional level. For uninterrupted
integrated defense operations during contingencies, the Headquarters derived
legal and institutional supplementation elements and promoted the amendment of
the United Defense Act (1 case) and its Enforcement Decree (3 cases), the United
Defense Guidelines (Presidential Directive No. 398) (3 cases), and the detailed
enforcement guidelines of integrated defense (9 cases). The amendment was
performed according to the amendment procedure of laws and regulations. 39)
The team is composed
of the Integrated Defense
Headquarters, the MOIS,
the National Intelligence
3. Establishing an Integrated Defense Information Sharing System Service, the Korean
National Police Agency,
and Strengthening Cooperation the Korea Coast Guard,
the National Fire Agency,
and about 30 to 40
personnel working at the
In 2011, the ROK government integrated the control functions of CCTVs installed departments in charge of
key national infrastructure.
for various purposes such as ensuring the safety of residents and preventing crimes, It evaluates the integrated
defense posture of
and has been promoting the establishment of an integrated CCTV control center to local governments in 17
metropolitan cities and
enable the joint response of the related organizations to various situations occurring provinces, regional police
agencies, maritime police
in each region. As a result, in 2019, integrated control centers were built in all agencies, fire and disaster
headquarters as well as key
228 local governments. Furthermore, the center is being developed into a social national infrastructure.
infrastructure system united with the intelligent information society (ICBAM) . 40)
As a result of the 52nd Central Integrated Defense Committee Meeting in An intelligent, hyper-
connected society of all
2019, the ROK government has implemented a development plan to conduct objects in both the real
world and the actual field
integrated operation of CCTV control centers and the Integrated Defense Support using advanced ICT:
Internet of Things (loT),
Headquarters. Integrated operations enable the heads of local governments to judge Cloud, Big data, Artificial
Intelligence (AI), Mobile,
the situation and take countermeasures in a timely manner while monitoring the as well as 3D printing,
biotechnology, and cyber-
site in real time at the Integrated Defense Support Headquarters during integrated physical system.
Chapter 3. Safeguarding Peace by Establishing a Robust Defense Posture Against Omnidirectional Security Threats