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integrated defense all-source situation room while fostering and supporting national
defense elements and establish resident report systems in vulnerable areas in
integrated defense. They provide support for mobilization tasks related to integrated
defense operations and for the establishment of a regional joint press center, and
implementation of matters reviewed and resolved by the Regional Integrated Defense
2. Improvement and Development of an Integrated Defense
Execution System Centering on the Heads of Local Governments
As the scope of security has gradually expanded to nonmilitary threats such as
natural and social disasters, infectious diseases, and safety accidents that were not
previously recognized as threats, the ROK government is striving to improve and
develop the integrated defense execution system to respond to various elements
posing threats to the safety of the people.
Strengthening the Integrated The 52nd (2019) and 53rd (2020) Central
Defense Capabilities Integrated Defense Committee evaluated
military readiness posture and integrated
defense posture against military threats as well as nonmilitary threats such as new
terrorism using drones, disasters and infectious diseases, and safety accidents, and
devised government-wide preparedness measures through in-depth discussions
between government ministries and local governments. As a result, in 2019, a
total of 14 follow-up tasks in four areas were derived and promoted, including the
reinforcement of integrated defense capabilities centered on the heads of local
governments. In particular, Presidential Directive No. 398 on Integrated Defense
Guidelines was revised for the f rst time in 9 years since its enforcement in 2010. In
2020, the committee drew up 10 key tasks in four areas, including the performance
38) enhancement of integrated defense training to establish an overall response
As of March 1, 2019, the
Presidential Directive posture at the pan-government level in response to various security threats and the
No. 28 was revised to
Presidential Directive No. establishment of a response posture in preparation for new types of terrorism using
398 after supplementing
23 areas, including drones. The integrated defense working-level committee quarterly analyzes the
the amendment of the
United Defense Act and implementation outcomes of each government ministries, related agencies, and local
its Enforcement Decree
after 2010 and the setup governments and carries out close communication and collaboration with the related
of control zones when the
alert posture is issued. departments and organizations to improve the performance of integrated defense.
2020 Defense White Paper