Page 106 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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nation and broaden their understanding of the Navy. They visited the neighboring
countries of the Korean Peninsula as well as the major domestic islands (Ulleungdo,
Dokdo, and coastal waters of Ieodo, etc.) and conducted the "joint cruising training
for cadets of the three military academies" to experience various kinds of maritime
training and life aboard naval vessels. For third-year cadets, they have undergone
courses to understand the Air Force through f eld trips to Air Force operations units
and air navigation training. Since 2019, the joint cruising training for cadets of the
three military academies was further expanded to include the Korea Armed Forces
Nursing Academy (KAFNA). Education on jointness is also conducted at the Korea
Army Academy at eongcheon (KAA ).
Official Operation of the Reserve Since 2015, the MND has
Noncommissioned Officers’ Training Corps piloted the RNTC program
in six junior colleges to gain
stable access to and foster outstanding NCO candidates, and in 2019, the plan to
off cially operate and expand the RNTC was f nalized. As a result, the Navy and the
Air Force have been officially operating the RNTC program since January 1, 2020
while the Army and the Marine Corps started the program on April 1, 2020. From
2017 to 2020, a total of 643 NCOs were appointed and are performing their duties.
The 5th and the 6th RNTC are enrolled in the military academies at present.
Improving the New The MND has improved the training system for
Enlistee Training System newly enlisted soldiers to prevent the decline of
soldiers’ proficiency, which may occur due to
the shortening of the service period based on Defense Reform 2.0. Reflecting the
opinions from the field units, the MND improved the curriculum to focus on core
subjects such as personal firearm shooting, combat fitness test, and spiritual and
mental force enhancement that meet the mission and roles of the unit. Specialized
training of each service was also enhanced which include the Army’s outdoor
comprehensive training for 4 days and 3 nights including an all-night march, the
Navy’s maritime training, the Air Force’s survival skills training, and the Marine
Corps’ abandon-ship drills and combat swimming.
Vitalizing Online Defense The ROK Armed Forces has been expanding their
Education online education offerings so that field units can
minimize off-duty hours due to attendance of on-
site education courses. Online education also ensures the prompt provision of quality
2020 Defense White Paper