Page 108 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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number of selected people from major and lieutenant colonel officers–the MND is
planning to offer distance education and short-term courses targeted for 2021. Joint
and combined policy manager courses are also offered to colonels working in policy
departments and joint units. Courses related to joint and combined operations were
further expanded and ref ected in the education courses for high-level policymakers
for those who are to be promoted to brigadier generals.
The MND has reinforced the role of the JCS in joint and combined operations
training. Furthermore, the MND maintains its efforts to improve the conditions and
environment of military education, such as reinforcing the qualif cation requirements
for joint staff universities to acquire excellent instructors.
3. Reinforcing Realistic Unit Training
Objectives The ROK Armed Forces reinforces realistic unit training by
actively responding to changes in the educational and training
environment including changes in the security environment, shortening of the
service period, increased urbanization, and conf ict with the public.
To foster the ability to conduct joint and combined operations, the MND has
further expanded joint training activities at home and abroad and formed joint
units incorporating the army, navy, and air force, providing more opportunities for
personnel to receive training.
Moreover, to improve the unit combat performance capabilities and overcome
training restrictions, the ROK Armed Forces is expanding its scientific training
system by applying advanced technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Key Training and Exercises of the Army, The Army is reinforcing its indivi-
Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps dual combatant and unit training,
expanding the LVCG (Live, Vir-
tual, Constructive, Gaming) training, and conducting various joint exercises for
combat-oriented realistic training and exercises.
In order to strengthen individual combat capabilities, which are the basis of the
Army’s combat capabilities, the Army is fostering the ability to overcome the
battlefield situation through physical training focused on combat missions. Every
year, the best 300 warriors in individual and team units are selected and rewarded,
creating an atmosphere where combat experts are given preferential treatment. To
training realize a "mission-based training and exercise", training is carried out according
2020 Defense White Paper