Page 152 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 152


                               1       Innovation of an Efficient
                                       Defense Manpower Operation


                            The MND is shortening the military service period to meet the public demand for
                            easing the burden of military service. In preparation for the expected shortage of
                            troop resources due to the shortening of the service period, the MND is increasing the
                            proportion of female servicemembers and improving their working conditions while
                            implementing military expertise-oriented human resource management to prevent force

                            1. Shortening the Mandatory Military Service Period

                            Implementing the Service   Starting on October 1, 2018, the MND has shor-
                            Period Reduction Plan      tened the military service period of servicemem-
                                                       bers to develop the ROK Armed Forces into
                            technology-intensive, strong elite forces. The service period for the Army and the
                            Marine Corps was curtailed from 21 to 18 months, the Navy from 23 to 20 months,
                            and the Air Force from 24 to 22 months with an additional 1 month reduction
                            following a revision of the Military Service Act. Determined by the time of
                            enlistment, the service period is gradually shortened by one day on a two-week basis

                            to prevent any significant differences. In case of the Army, the reduction of the
                            service period started with those who enlisted on January 3, 2017 and were
                            discharged on October 1, 2018. The shortened period will reach the full three-month
                            term with those who will enlist on June 15, 2020 and will get discharged on
                            December 14, 2021. The discharge date for each enlistment date can be found with
                            the discharge date calculator available at the Military Manpower Administration
                            (MMA) website. The shortening of the service period is expected to allow
                            servicemembers to return to the civilian society earlier and, therefore, contributes to
                            the efficient use of the country’s human resources.

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