Page 147 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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ployment of transportation drones to provide quick support to remote and isolated
units which are restricted from access during contingencies. Currently, the MND
is conducting preliminary research on drones for transporting military supplies,
evaluating the utilization of excellent commercial drones, and promoting technical
cooperation projects for both civilian and military use. In the future, more drones for
transporting military supplies are expected to be used in the Army Logistics School
and the logistics support brigades, while empirical evaluation and verification will 30)
also be conducted accordingly. As fields of technology that
require strategic R&D to
achieve defense goals, they
include mature private new
technologies applicable to
national defense. The eight
3. Advancement of Military Power that Apply Cutting-Edge Technology fields are: Chapter 4
① Autonomous and AI-
based surveillance and
Securing a Weapons Systems that For a country to gain its own indepen- ② Super-connected
intelligent command and
Apply Fourth Industrial Revolution dent defense capabilities that can pro- control
③ Super high-speed and
Technologies actively respond to changes in the future high-power precision
security environment, it is nece-ssary to ④ Future-oriented
promotion and stealth-
continue the development of advanced weapons systems and core and original based platform
⑤ Manned and unmanned
technologies, including a strategy for promoting defense R&D. combined combat
The DAPA presents the direction of each project by establishing a core technology ⑥ Cutting-edge
roadmap for each weapon system every year to secure the core technologies technology-based
individual combat
necessary for the R&D of weapons systems in advance. The DAPA also prepares ⑦ Cyber-active response
the "Core Technology Plan" every year according to the 8 fields of defense strategy and future protection
⑧ Future cutting-edge new
technology of the "Defense Science and Technology Advancement Policy" for technology
mid- to long-term core technology planning. 31)
A document which is
In the "2020-2034 Core Technology Plan", the MND presented 140 core tech- published every three
years by the Defense
nologies for each defense strategy technology through the analysis of key points and Agency for Technology and
Quality in accordance with
strategies for securing major technologies for each of the 8 fields of defense strategy Article 32 of the Defense
Acquisition Program Act
technology. In the "2019 Defense Science and Technology Survey" , the MND and Article 137 of the
Regulations on Defense
derived requirements for core technology development by utilizing a survey and Acquisition Program
analysis technique of work breakdown structure (WBS) on 33 key weapons systems Management. For the
document to be used for
and strengthened the defense technology planning required to build a weapons future weapons system’s
core technology planning
system with advanced technologies by analyzing the connection with the 8 fields of and the survey and analysis
on previous research
defense strategy technology. conducted, it presents the
level of defense science
To utilize civilian R&D capabilities needed for future battlefield innovation in the and technology, the
development status and
defense fields, the MND plans to contribute to national R&D activities in various trend of weapons systems
and technologies, and
ways and extend the scope of application by developing defense technologies and the directions for R&D
of technologies that are
weapons systems for 10 fields–advanced sensors, AI, VR, AR and mixed reality required in the future.
Chapter 4. Building an Innovative Force by Promoting Strong Defense Reform 145