Page 148 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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(MR), quantum information, cybersecurity, IoT and Internet of Everything (IoE),
energy, new materials, 3D/4D printing, and unmanned robots.
Promoting Future Challenge In keeping with the advancement of
Defense Technology Development weapons systems and the increasing
Project 32) speed of technological developments,
the MND is creating conditions for task
planning to enable the implementation of challenging and innovative national
defense R&D projects that generate weapons system requirements in contrast to the
existing defense R&D planning system based on requirements of each service, and is
building a system to implement such task.
The DAPA has been piloting the future challenge defense technology development
project since 2018, and is making efforts to improve the efficiency of project which
32) include the Agency for Defense Development selecting 13 projects through public
Innovative and challenging
defense science and participation and holding technical contests.
technologies with the
purpose of applying them In 2019, the types of future challenge defense technology development projects
to weapons systems 33)
wherein the requirements were diversified into PM planning , technology competition, and project
are not determined or competition to encourage participation by the private industry, academia, and
are not scheduled under
Article 15 (1) of the Defense research experts.
Acquisition Program Act
Moreover, the "Act on the Promotion of Innovation in Defense Science and
A planning method Technology" was enacted in March 2020 to provide legal grounds for the project,
wherein a project manager
(PM) directly plans the enabling stable project promotion. By expanding the future challenge defense
detailed technical tasks
of the program and technology development project through budget increases and discovery of new
autonomously performs
entire tasks from projects, the MND will continue to exert efforts to develop challenging and
selection to management
and evaluation of the innovative technologies and to create requirements for new-concept weapons
supervising research
institutes systems utilizing these technologies.
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