Page 153 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 153

[Chart 5-1] Changes in the Length of the Military Service Period (applicable to the Army)

                                                                         (Unit: months)
                   30                      30
                                                   26       24

                1962~1967  1968~1976  1977~1983  1984~1992  1993~2003  2003~2010  2011~2017  2021

               Measures to Prevent     To prevent force deterioration caused by the shortened
               Force Deterioration     service period, cutting-edge defense technologies for
                                       modern warfare will be strengthened, and the man-               Chapter 5
               power structure will be restructured into one centered on officers and NCOs with
               positions requiring proficiency to be filled by NCOs. Moreover, the training system
               for enlisted personnel will be enhanced, and realistic training will be reinforced to
               improve their  proficiency as early as possible through scientific training. At the same
               time, noncombatant missions will be minimized by increasing civilian military
               employees and civilian workers to help servicemembers focus on combat missions
               during their service periods. Such reform in the defense manpower operation system
               will further bolster the ROK’s military power.

               2.  Increasing the Proportion of Female Servicemembers and
                 Providing Favorable Working Conditions

               Acquiring Superior      The necessity to expand female military manpower is
                Female Workforce       increasing  as  women’s role in society continues to
                                       expand and due to the reform on transforming the
               military into a technology-intensive one. To increase the proportion of female
               servicemembers, the MND is gradually recruiting female junior cadres (second
               lieutenants and staff sergeants) in accordance with the 2018-2022 Plan for Female
               Workforce Expansion Plan, which aims to increase the proportion of female
               servicemembers to at least 8.8% by 2022.
                 As of the end of November 2020, the total number of female servicemembers stood
               at 13,665, accounting for 7.4% of the total number of cadres (officers and NCOs) as

                                         Chapter 5.  Establishing a Fair, Transparent, and Efficient National Defense Operation System    151
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