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suggested in the expansion goal in 2020. After expanding the female servicemember
                            workforce by up to 8.8% at the end of 2022, the MND plans to determine whether to
                            further expand the female workforce considering the direction of defense reform and
                            the conditions for acquiring active-duty resources.

                            Managing Female                For the efficient utilization of female ser-
                            Servicemembers According to    vicemembers, the MND has devised the
                            Gender Equality                same regulations for female servicemember
                                                           positions as those of male servicemembers.
                            Also, favorable conditions are provided for pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare
                            while any disadvantages thereof in terms of personnel management are prohibited.
                            In July 2018, the National Defense Personnel Management Directive was revised to
                            abolish the restriction on female servicemembers’ assignment to certain units and
                            positions and apply the same standards for career management regardless of gender.
                            In May 2019, the MND established standards for adding female positions in policy
                            departments and combat units, and made it mandatory for the ratio of female
                            servicemembers working in policy departments–including the MND, the JCS, the
                            Combined Forces Command (CFC), and each service headquarters–to be higher
                            than the ratio of female field officers in order to promote their career advancements.
                            In addition, regulations were put in place for each service to report the status of
                            commander and staff positions in combat units to the MND every year.

                            Assisting the Servicemembers’   To promote work–life balance for both
                            Work–Life Balance               genders, the MND has established a system

                                                            to improve the conditions of female ser-
                            vicemembers when it comes to pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare. At the end of
                            2019, in relation to pregnancy and childbirth, leave up to three days for spouse’s mis-
                            carriage or stillbirth and leave up to ten days for pregnancy examination leave were
                            made available to servicemembers. Also, in order to assist childcare, childcare leave
                            for families with two or more children was expanded to three days a year from two
                            days a year.
                             As of the end of 2020, the MND operates a total of 139 daycare centers and 45
                            co-parenting centers, and is expanding the number of childcare facilities annually
                            in consideration of the legal standards and childcare requirements. Since 2019, the
                            MND has subsidized the labor cost of one nighttime nursery teacher for 89 military
        70 years of the     daycare centers with 20 or more personnel, allowing servicemembers to use the
        ROK Female Armed
        Forces              centers when night care is needed during training, watch duty, or other duties.

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