Page 157 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 157

3. HR Management Centered on Military Expertise

               Fostering Balanced Talents by         Forming an organization with per-
               Gender, Origin, Branch, and Specialty  sonnel of diverse characteristics
                                                     through balanced HR management
               that does not discriminate gender, origin, branch, or specialty contributes to
               enhancing the future competitiveness of the organization.
                 Accordingly, the MND is striving to overcome the limitations in performance-
               oriented HR management and improve the diversity and equity of the organizational
                 First, the MND is expanding the selection of outstanding female servicemembers
               to achieve gender-balanced HR management. As a result, the number of female
               servicemembers promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel and colonel has increased
               by 360% from 22 in 2016 to 79 in 2020. Moreover, in 2019 a female officer reached       Chapter 5
               the rank of major general for the first time, and another female officer became a
               brigadier general for the first time in the military intelligence branch.

               [Chart 5-3] Female Servicemember Promotions by Rank in the Past Five Years
                                                                          (Unit: person)
                  Category      2016      2017       2018       2019      2020
                 Captain → Major  159      146       212        215        236
                   Major →       20        35         51        63         71
                Lieutenant Colonel
                Lieutenant Colonel
                  → Colonel      2          6         7          5         8
                → Brigadier General  0      3         2          2         1

                 To achieve origin-balanced HR management, the MND has expanded the
               assigning of non-academy graduate officers to key positions such as policy
               departments which were mainly filled by academy graduate officers by improving
               the HR management. Also, the promotion rate of non-academy graduate officers
               has been gradually increased since 2018. The MND will continue to strengthen the
               careers and competencies of all officers regardless of their origin and enhance the
               competitiveness of the military organization by conducting promotion assessment
               based on free competition that takes into account the individuals’ abilities and
               qualities instead of their origins.
                 To promote balanced HR management by branch and specialty, the MND
               encourages the revitalization of military service by promoting excellent personnel
               who have served sincerely to the end of their service periods, breaking away from the

                                         Chapter 5.  Establishing a Fair, Transparent, and Efficient National Defense Operation System    155
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