Page 144 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 144

For the mobile telemedicine system, a pilot project was initiated to build a system
                            using the LTE-based system for the Armed Forces Medical Command, trauma
                            centers, and 8 military hospitals. The system was temporarily expanded and operated
                            in isolation facilities and temporary screening clinics to improve accessibility to
                            the medical treatment of servicemembers isolated due to COVID-19 and to prevent
                            infection. The military medical big data analysis system is based on the Defense
                            Medical Information System (DEMIS) , and the development of analysis system
                            technologies–such as the chest X-ray diagnosis system and the support system for
                            drug prescription–is being promoted in cooperation with the Ministry of Science
                            and ITC. Among these, the X-ray diagnosis system is in progress as a pilot project for
                            military hospitals.
                             The MND plans to increase the survival rate of patients by supporting the optimal
                            decision of doctors through big data of DEMIS and create a military medical
                            environment that can respond to various emergencies by expanding mobile remote
                            diagnosis and treatment.
                             Moreover, it plans to establish a smart talent management system that can
                            systematically manage the service cycle of servicemembers–from before enlistment
                            to post-discharge–and use it in various fields such as acquiring and cultivating
                            optimal talents suitable for military characteristics, appointing qualified personnel,
                            and supporting employment after discharge.

                            Improving Efficiency Through Defense  The MND seeks to improve the
        23)                 Resource Life Cycle Management        productivity of defense operations
        A system that converts
        handwritten medical                                       by utilizing various advanced tech-
        records into integrated
        electronic medical records   nologies for the life cycle management of defense resources such as military supplies
        and connects them to a
        network so that any unit   and military installations.
        can access the same
        medical records      In terms of equipment maintenance, the MND is building a parts management
        24)                 system that can accurately predict the equipment life and demand for spare parts
        An intelligent production
        factory that improves   demand using big data. It is also promoting the establishment of smart factories
        productivity, quality, and
        customer satisfaction by   that apply a status-based maintenance system and a remote maintenance support
        applying ICT combined   system utilizing sensor data and advanced ICT.
        with digital automation
        solutions in the production   First, with regard to equipment life and demand for repair parts, a demand predic-
        process from design
        and development to   tion model was developed and is applied to improve the accuracy in predicting the
        manufacturing and
        distribution. It is a futuristic   demand for repair parts. The MND is building a parts discontinuation management
        factory where the facilities
        and equipment are installed   information system to cope with the increased cost and reduced equipment operation
        with IoT to collect process
        data in real time, analyze it,   rate due to parts discontinuation.
        and enable control by the
        factory itself       Moreover, a status-based maintenance system is being established based on sensor

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