Page 71 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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order to defend the ROK. The Secretary reaffirmed the continued U.S. commitment to provide extended
                 deterrence to the ROK using the full range of military capabilities, including U.S. nuclear, conventional,
                 and missile defense capabilities. The Secretary and the Minister pledged to explore jointly measures to
                 enhance the Alliance deterrence posture and continue to implement the Tailored Deterrence Strategy
                 while considering the effects of changes in the security environment on the Peninsula and in the region.

               6.  The Secretary and the Minister expressed appreciation for U.S. and ROK service members in
                 commemoration of the 40  anniversary of the establishment of the U.S.-ROK Combined Forces Command
                 (CFC), which has played the central role in deterring war on the Korean Peninsula and defending the
                 ROK since its establishment in November 7, 1978. The Secretary and the Minister reviewed preparations
                 for the relocation of CFC Headquarters to the Ministry of National Defense (MND) compound and
                 pledged to work together to ensure that the relocation further strengthens the current combined defense
                 system and contributes toward a stable transition to a new combined defense system following transfer
                 of wartime operational control (OPCON). The Secretary and the Minister also pledged to continue to
                 maintain a robust combined defense posture during the process of easing military tension, implementing
                 confidence-building measures, and achieving complete denuclearization of North Korea.

               7.  The Secretary and the Minister committed to cooperate closely to develop comprehensive Alliance
                 capabilities in response to common security threats. The Minister emphasized the ROK plans to continue

                 to reinforce its defense capabilities through the ongoing Defense Reform 2.0. The Secretary expressed
                 his hope that the ROK military’s defense reform would contribute to enhancing comprehensive Alliance
                 capabilities. In addition, the Secretary and the Minister pledged to continue cooperation in support of
                 acquisition and development of advanced military assets by the ROK military.

               8.  The Secretary and the Minister reviewed the progress of relevant tasks for OPCON transition, including
                 acquisition of Alliance capabilities and development of strategic documents. The Secretary and the
                 Minister highlighted that there has been substantive and significant progress in preparation for OPCON
                 transition since the June 2017 U.S.-ROK Summit commitment to enable the expeditious conditions-
                 based transfer of OPCON. The Minister emphasized the ROK commitment to complete expeditiously the
                 preparations necessary to exercise OPCON in accordance with the Conditions-based OPCON Transition
                 Plan (COTP), such as by acquiring critical military capabilities, in conjunction with the ongoing defense
                 reform. The Secretary reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to continue to provide bridging capabilities until
                 the ROK fully acquires an independent defense capability and enduring capabilities. The Secretary
                 and the Minister committed to evaluate jointly and continuously the necessary conditions for OPCON

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