Page 68 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 68

                17.  The Minister expressed encouragement and gratitude for the 2  Infantry Division (2ID) for its contribution
                    to the defense of the Korean Peninsula and peace in Northeast Asia, and congratulated 2ID's 100
                    anniversary on October 26.

                18.  Minister Song and Secretary Mattis expressed appreciation for the courtesy, hospitality, and work by
                    both sides that contributed to the success of this year’s SCM. The Minister and the Secretary affirmed
                    that the discussions during the 49  SCM and the 42  MCM contributed substantively to strengthening
                    the ROK-U.S. Alliance and further enhanced the development of the bilateral defense relationship into a
                    mutually reinforcing Alliance. Both sides expect to hold the 50  SCM in Washington, D.C., at a mutually
                    convenient time in 2018. END.

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