Page 70 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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Peninsula and the Joint Statement of President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America and
                   Chairman Kim Jong Un of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea at the Singapore Summit and
                   abide by its obligations under existing UN Security Council resolutions. They highlighted that full
                   implementation of all UN Security Council resolutions would continue until we are confident about North
                   Korea’s complete denuclearization in a final, fully verified manner.

                4.  The Minister highlighted various confidence building measures the ROK is undertaking with DPRK military
                   authorities in order to implement the Panmunjom Declaration on Peace, Prosperity and Reunification of the
                   Korean Peninsula and the Pyongyang Joint Declaration of September 2018. The Secretary and the Minister
                   assessed that such efforts have had a positive influence on easing tensions on the Korean Peninsula. In
                   particular, both sides determined that the Agreement on the Implementation of the Historic Panmunjom
                   Declaration in the Military Domain should be implemented in a way that contributes substantively to easing
                   tension and establishing peace while ensuring combined readiness and committed to continue to maintain
                   close coordination and cooperation between U.S. and ROK defense authorities during the process of
                   implementation. The Secretary and the Minister assessed that United Nations Command, as the keeper
                   of the Armistice, has helped successfully maintain peace and security on the Korean Peninsula over the
                   past 65 years. Based on the inter-Korean and U.S.-DPRK Summit understandings, the Secretary and the
                   Minister pledged to continue to cooperate with the international community towards diplomatic efforts
                   aimed at building a permanent and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. In addition, noting that

                   the Northern Limit Line (NLL) has been an effective means of separating ROK and DPRK military forces
                   and preventing military tension to date, the Minister expressed his expectation that the buffer zone in
                   the West Sea, which was agreed upon during the inter-Korean Summit in Pyongyang, would contribute
                   to fundamentally preventing unplanned encounters and to military confidence building in support of
                   establishing permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. The Secretary shared his understanding that the
                   military confidence building measures are important for establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula.

                5.  The Secretary and the Minister assessed that the U.S.-ROK Alliance is stronger than ever, and reaffirmed
                   the two nations’ mutual commitment to the fundamental mission of the Alliance—to defend the ROK
                   through a robust combined defense posture and to enhance the mutual security of both nations under
                   the U.S.-ROK Mutual Defense Treaty. The Secretary and the Minister noted that U.S. forces in the ROK
                   have successfully played a critical role in maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula over
                   the past 65 years, and reaffirmed that U.S. Forces, Korea (USFK) will continue to play an important role in
                   preventing armed conflict on the Korean Peninsula and promoting peace and stability in Northeast Asia.
                   In addition, the Secretary reemphasized the commitment to maintain the current force level of USFK in

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