Page 66 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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systems. The Minister and the Secretary lauded the inaugural Space Cooperation table-top exercise
                    (TTX) in Washington, D.C., in September 2017, and pledged to expand bilateral space coordination
                    in response to security threats in the space domain, to enhance mission assurance for space
                    capabilities, and to strengthen cooperation in Space Situational Awareness. The Minister and the
                    Secretary discussed the increase in cyber threats and the elevation of U.S. Cyber Command to a
                    unified combatant command. They recognized cyber capacity as a core security issue and decided
                    to expand bilateral defense cooperation in cyber-related areas. Through regular bilateral engagements
                    and the ROK-U.S. Cyber Cooperation Working Group (CCWG), both sides plan to continue to explore
                    new opportunities to enhance cooperation. The Minister and the Secretary praised advances in ROK-
                    U.S. science and technology cooperation since the last SCM, highlighting successes in robotics and
                    autonomous technologies cooperation, and establishing task objectives and schedules at the Defense
                    Technological and Industrial Cooperation Committee (DTICC). The Minister and the Secretary assessed
                    that such defense science and technological cooperation contributes greatly to defense capabilities and
                    the interoperability of the Alliance, and resolved to seek measures to deepen and expand cooperation.

                11.  The Minister and the Secretary received a report on the results of the ROK-U.S. MCM from the
                    Commander of the ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command (CFC), General Vincent Brooks, which
                    highlighted that the combined defense posture is capable and ready to “Fight Tonight” and is prepared
                    to respond effectively to any North Korean provocation, instability, or aggression.

                12.  The Minister and the Secretary pledged to make joint efforts to implement steadily the decision by
                    President Trump and President Moon in June 2017 to enable the expeditious conditions-based transfer
                    of wartime operational control (OPCON). The Minister emphasized the ROK commitment to complete the
                    preparations necessary to exercise OPCON in accordance with the signed Conditions-Based OPCON
                    Transition Plan (COTP), such as acquiring critical capabilities, in conjunction with the ongoing defense
                    reform. The Minister and the Secretary were updated on the draft organization of the future Combined
                    Forced Command from the MCM and decided to continue to refine the draft through combined
                    exercises and certifications. They also committed to develop Alliance Guiding Principles for the further
                    enhancement of combined defense posture post-OPCON transition. The two sides also decided to
                    reexamine the implementation plan for OPCON transition, such as the Alliance capability acquisition
                    plan, Terms of Reference – Relationship (TOR-R) and Operation Plan, and combined exercises and
                    certification plan, and to jointly update COTP by the 50  SCM.

                13.  The Minister and the Secretary reaffirmed that U.S.FK relocation and camp returns are in the interests

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