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Appendix 13
                           Joint Communiqué of the 49                            th

                 ROK–U.S. Security Consultative Meeting

                                                                                Seoul, October 28, 2017

                1. The 49  Republic of Korea (ROK) and United States (U.S.) Security Consultative Meeting (SCM) was held
                   in Seoul on October 28, 2017. ROK Minister of National Defense Song Young-moo and U.S. Secretary of
                   Defense James Mattis led their respective delegations, which included senior defense and foreign affairs
                   officials. On October 27, 2017, the Chairman of the ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Jeong Kyeong-doo,
                   and the U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph F. Dunford Jr., presided over the 42
                   ROK-U.S. Military Committee Meeting (MCM).

                2.  The Minister and the Secretary noted that the ROK-U.S. partnership—which is built on mutual trust as
                   well as shared values of freedom, democracy, human rights, and rule of law— has never been stronger.
                   The two sides will make an effort to develop the Alliance in a mutually reinforcing and future-oriented

                   manner to respond effectively to common security threats. The Minister and the Secretary noted the
                   Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue (KIDD) advances Alliance objectives by providing a high-level
                   policy venue to coordinate between the ROK and the United States. In addition, they confirmed the
                   necessity of strengthening close communication and decision-making mechanisms to respond most
                   effectively to changes in the security environment and to advance Alliance priorities.

                3.  The Minister and the Secretary strongly condemned North Korea’s unprecedented level of provocative
                   behavior—including the recent sixth nuclear test and multiple launches of ballistic missiles—as reckless,
                   disruptive, and clear violations of numerous United Nations (UN) Security Council resolutions. The Minister
                   and the Secretary reiterated that North Korea’s UN Security Council-proscribed nuclear and ballistic missile
                   programs, as well as its proliferation activities, are profound challenges to the international community
                   and pose an increasingly serious threat to the stability of the Korean Peninsula, and the region, as well as
                   to global security and the global nonproliferation regime. The Minister and the Secretary strongly urged
                   North Korea to fulfill its commitments under the September 19, 2005, Joint Statement of the Six-Party
                   Talks and to abide by its obligations under UN Security Council resolutions 1718, 1874, 2087, 2094, 2270,

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