Page 63 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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2321, 2356, 2371, and 2375. They also called on North Korea to cease activities related to its nuclear
                 and ballistic missile programs immediately, and to abandon its nuclear weapons and existing nuclear
                 programs, other existing weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs, and ballistic missile programs
                 in a complete, verifiable, and irreversible manner. Moreover, they emphasized that denuclearization and
                 the cessation of all provocations are the only path for the survival of the regime. The Minister and the
                 Secretary reaffirmed that the ROK and the United States would continue to cooperate closely in pursuit of
                 these goals, expressed their support for the diplomatic efforts as the most preferred path, and concurred
                 that such diplomatic efforts must be backed by a robust and credible combined defense posture.

               4.  The Minister and the Secretary reaffirmed the two nations’ mutual commitment to the fundamental mission
                 of the Alliance—which is to defend the ROK through a robust combined defense posture, and to enhance
                 the mutual security of both nations under the ROK - U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty. The Minister and the
                 Secretary expressed their confidence in the strength of the Alliance and in the U.S. extended deterrence
                 commitment. They resolved to continue to strengthen the Alliance to remain postured to defend against
                 and respond to North Korean aggression and preserve stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the region.
                 The Minister and the Secretary reaffirmed the need to continue to conduct combined exercises on the
                 Peninsula to strengthen Alliance readiness against North Korean nuclear and missile threats, particularly
                 given the security environment following North Korea’s sixth nuclear test and continuous ballistic missile
                 launches. The Minister and the Secretary highlighted that the ROK and the United States approved a new

                 framework for an Extended Deterrence Strategy and Consultation Group (EDSCG), based on the decision
                 by President Trump and President Moon, and decided to hold an EDSCG meeting in the near future. The
                 EDSCG mechanism contributes to improving the Alliance’s deterrence posture against the DPRK through
                 deeper coordination on diplomatic, information, military, and economic actions. The Minister and the
                 Secretary expressed their determination to maintain close Alliance coordination to respond effectively to
                 any provocation. In addition, the Minister and the Secretary reaffirmed that any North Korean aggression
                 or military provocation will not be tolerated and that the ROK and the United States commit to work
                 together shoulder-to-shoulder to demonstrate their combined resolve to make North Korea understand
                 that it cannot achieve the ends it seeks through its provocative behavior. The Secretary also committed to
                 maintain the current level of the U.S. military personnel in the ROK and to enhance combat readiness.
               5.  The Secretary reiterated the longstanding U.S. policy that any attack on the United States or its allies
                 will be defeated, and any use of nuclear weapons will be met with a response that is both effective and
                 overwhelming. The Secretary reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to provide extended deterrence for the
                 ROK using the full range of military capabilities, including the U.S. nuclear umbrella, conventional strike,
                 and missile defense capabilities. The Minister and the Secretary committed to ensuring that extended

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