Page 60 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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Appendix 11
                 Combined·Joint Exercise and Training

                ROK–U.S. Combined Exercise

                      Name          Type              Purpose                Description

                                                 Exercise theater Operations Command
                                              and warfighting Under the current
                                              combined Defense system      Crisis management exercise
                                Military command       Develop theater operations Command       Wartime transition procedure exercise
                   Ulchi Freedom   post and   and execution Capabilities of the ROK       Operational plan execution procedure
                                              JCS and USFK in preparation for the   exercise
                   Guardian (UFG)  government   transition of wartime OPCON      Senior Leaders Seminar
                                   exercise      Familiarize execution procedures of       Military coordination elements
                                              the Chungmu Plan and the wartime   operating exercise
                                              SOP in connection with the military
                                                                          Crisis management exercise
                                                                          Wartime transition procedure exercise
                                                 Examine the current combined       Operational plan execution procedure
                                 Command post
                                              defense system and familiarize   exercise
                  Key Resolve/Foal   exercise and   warfighting procedures      Familiarize in reception, staging,
                   Eagle (KR/FE)  field training       Improve the ROK–U.S. combined   onward movement, and integration
                                              operation and rear area defense   procedures within combined
                                              operation capabilities   operational areas
                                                                          ROK–U.S. combined field training

                ROK Armed Forces Joint Exercise and Training

                      Name          Type              Purpose                Description
                                  Theater-level                           Exercise operations execution
                                                 Develop operations execution   procedures to prepare for various
                  Taegeuk Exercise  command post
                                              capability of the ROK JCS  threats caused by changes in
                                   exercise                            theoperational environment
                                                                          Operational plan execution training in
                                  Operational                          preparation for local provocations and
                                                 Develop joint operation execution and
                                 command-level                         full-scale war
                   Hoguk Training             force management capabilities
                                  field training                          Exercise to apply operational execution
                                                                       procedure acccording to changes in
                                                                       the operational environment
                                                 Familiarize in wartime and peacetime
                                              operational plan execution procedures       Operations to prepare against
                  Comprehensive rear   civil-government–      Enhance the residents’ security   infiltrations and local provocations
                    area training   military–police   awareness           Wartime transition
                  (hwarang training)  defense training       Confirm the integrated civil–      Operations to prepare against a
                                              government–military–police defense   full-scale war
                                   by area

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