Page 57 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 57

North Korea             Date               South Korea
                                                  October 19,
                                                           Announces postponement of Vigilant Ace
                                                  October 20,
                Two Koreas complete landmine removal in JSA  Two Koreas complete landmine removal in JSA
                                                  October 22,   The ROK – North Korea – UNC tri-party
                                                    2018   consultative body meeting (second, Freedom House)
                                                           Ratifies Pyongyang Joint Declaration and Agreement on
                                                  October 23,
                                                           the Implementation of the Historic Panmunjom Declaration
                                                           in the Military Domain
                                                  October 24,   The joint remains excavation project (Arrowhead)
                                                    2018   discovers the remains of first ROK KIS (presumed)
                Two Koreas complete removal of GPs, personnel, and   October 25,   Two Koreas complete removal of GPs, personnel, and
                weapons from JSA                    2018   weapons from JSA
                10th Inter-Korean General Officer-Level Military Talks
                (Unification Pavilion)
                                                  October 26,   Trilateral joint examination by the ROK, North Korea,and
                *  Agreed on the prohibition of hostilities as of November 1,   2018  UNC (October 26 - 27, JSA)
                 and removal and complete demolition of GPs subject to
                 pilot removal project by the end of November
                                                  October 29,   Taegeuk Exercise (October 29 - November 2),
                                                    2018   Hoguk Training (October 29 - November 9)
                                                           ROK–U.S. defense ministers sign Guiding
                                                  October 31,
                                                           Principles Following the Transition of Wartime Operational
                Two Koreas completely cease mutual hostilities on land,   Two Koreas completely cease mutual hostilities on land,
                sea, and air                      November 1,   sea, and air
                Two Koreas begin removal of weapons, equipment,and   2018  Two Koreas begin removal of weapons, equipment, and
                personnel from 11 GPs on both sides        personnel from 11 GPs on both sides
                Two Koreas resume exchange of information on illegal   Two Koreas resume exchange of information on illegal
                fishing vessels of third-party countries  November 2,   fishing vessels of third-party countries
                *  Discontinued in May 2008                *  Discontinued in May 2008
                                                           Two Koreas begin survey of common routes in Han River
                Two Koreas begin a survey of common routes in Han   November 5,
                                                           estuary (November 5 - December 9); Two Koreas resume
                River estuary (November 5 - December 9)  2018
                                                  November 6,   The ROK – North Korea – UNC trilateral
                                                    2018   consultative body meeting (third, Freedom House)
                Two Koreas complete removal of weapons, equipment,   November 10,  Two Koreas complete removal of weapons, equipment,
                and personnel from 11 GPs on both sides  2018  and personnel from 11 GPs on both sides
                Two Koreas begin removal of facilities from 10 GPs on   November 11,  Two Koreas begin removal of facilities from 10 GPs on
                both sides (except for one preserved GP)  2018  both sides (except for one preserved GP)
                                                  November 12,  The ROK – North Korea – UNC hold a working-
                                                    2018   level meeting on surveillance equipment (Panmunjom)
                Two Koreas complete removal of facilities from 10 GPs on   November 30,  Two Koreas complete removal of facilities from 10 GPs on
                both sides (except for one preserved GP)  2018  both sides (except for one preserved GP)

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