Page 53 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 53

North Korea             Date               South Korea
                                                  October 27,   The ROK–U.S. MCM enhances combined defense posture
                                                    2017   against North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missiles
                                                           The ROK and U.S. Navies conduct an ROK–U.S.
                                                  November 12,
                                                           combined maritime training on the East Sea
                                                           (November 12 - 14)
                                                           UN general assembly adopts PyeongChang Olympic
                A KPA soldier defects through Panmunjom JSA
                                                  November 13,  Truce Resolution
                *  In the course of the defection, gunshots fired by KPA   2017  *  Truce for seven days before and after the Olympic and
                 soldiers in pursuit of the defector
                                                            Paralympic games (February 9 - March 8, 2018)
                                                           UNC announces the results of the investigation
                                                  November 22,
                                                           on the JSA defector and clearly indicates North Korea’s
                                                           violation of the Armistice Agreement
                                                           The ROK government condemns North Korea’s ballistic
                North Korea launches a ballistic missile   November 29,   missile launch
                (Pyongsong, South Pyongan Province) and   2017  *  “Will take stern responses based on the ROK–U.S.
                announces the completion of the national nuclearpower  combined defense posture”
                                                            A ground/air/sea joint precision strike training
                The North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues a
                statement criticizing the ROK–U.S. combined air force
                training.                         December 2,
                *  “The United States is begging for a nuclear war; if a   2017
                 nuclear war breaks out, the U.S. will be solely
                                                  December 4,   The ROK–U.S. Air Force conducts a combined
                                                    2017   air training (Vigilant Ace) (December 4 - 8)
                                                  December 11,  The ROK, the U.S. and Japan conducts a missile warning
                                                    2017   training (December 11 - 12)
                Chairman Kim Jong-un’s New Year’s address
                *  “Announces North Korea’s nuclear deterrence   January 1,
                 capabilities against the U.S.; delivers an appeasement   2018
                 message to the ROK (Mitigation of tension; participation
                 in PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games, etc.)”
                                                           Reopens liaison channel in Inter-Korean liaison
                                                   January 3,
                                                           office at Panmunjom
                                                           *  The channel was closed on February 12, 2016.
                                                   January 4,   The ROK and U.S. leaders agree to postpone the
                                                    2018   ROK–U.S. combined training during the Olympic games
                                                           Two Koreas hold Inter-Korean high-level talks
                                                   January 9,   (Peace House); adopt a joint press release
                                                    2018   *  North Korean delegation’s visit to the ROK; Inter-Korean
                                                            military talks; talks concerning each area
                                                   February 8,
                Military parade celebrating the 70  anniversary of KPA
                High-level delegation visits the ROK through a direct sea
                route over the West Sea (February 9 -11)  February 9,   Opening ceremony, PyeongChang Olympic Winter
                                                    2018   Games
                *  Kim Yong-nam, Kim Yo-jong, Choi Hui, and Lee Son-gwon
                High-level delegation visits the ROK through the
                Gyeongui Line, land route         February 25,   Closing ceremony, PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games
                *  Kim Yong-chol, Lee Son-gwon, etc.

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